Tatsuki Kuwagaki. An introduction to sheaf quantization. arXiv, to appear in the proceedings of Takei 60 "Exact WKB Analysis, Microlocal Analysis, Painlevé Equations and Related Topics". 2022
Tatsuki Kuwagaki. Appendix B of "The circle quantum group and the infinite root stack of a curve" by Francesco Sala and Olivier Schiffmann. Selecta Mathematica. 2019. 25. 5
Lectures and oral presentations (79):
On the construction of spectral networks
(Kioicho Seminar Spectral network, exact WKB analysis and higher Teichmüller theory 2024)
Fukaya category and exact WKB analysis
(Various problems in microlocal analysis and asymptotic analysis 2023)
Exact WKB analysis, sheaf, and Floer theory
(Holomorphic Floer theory and related topics, Kyoto university 2023)
Quantizatin of symplectic geometry
(Math department colloquium, Kyushu University 2023)
Sheaf-theoretic Fukaya algebra
(15th International Symposium on Natural Sciences, Incheon National university 2023)