Research field (3):
Rural environmental engineering and planning
, Rural environmental engineering and planning
, Rural environmental engineering and planning
Gajender Yadav, Rajender Kumar Yadav, Arvind Kumar Rai, Satyendra Kumar, Neha, Rahul Verma, Parbodh Chander Sharma, Onishi Junya, Kazuhisa Koda, Matsui Kayo, Guenwoo Lee. Cut-soiler constructed preferential shallow sub-surface drainage spacing optimization for field scale salinity management. DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023. 2023
Neha, Gajender Yadav, Rajender Kumar Yadav, Arvind Kumar Rai, Bhaskar Narjary, Govind Prasad, Parbodh Chander Sharma, Onishi Junya, Koda Kazuhisa, Matsui Kayo, Guenwoo Lee. Salinity management through Cut-soiler assisted drainage for sustainable mustard production in Indo-Gangetic plain. DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023. 2023
Cut-soiler assisted subsurface placement of amendment and crop residue reclaim subsurface sodicity in semi-arid region of Indo-Gangetic plains. DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023. 2023
Onishi Junya, Koda Kazuhisa, Matsui Kayo, Guenwoo Lee, Rajender Kumar Yadav, Gajender Yadav, Neha, Parbodh Chander Sharma, Fujimaki Haruyuki. Change in soil moisture and salinity under Border irrigation, Every furrow irrigation and Permanent skip furrow irrigation. DESERT TECHNOLOGY XV (DTXV) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARID LAND, 2023. 2023
Soil Erosion and Sustainable Land Management
2021 ISBN:9783036507873
Climate Smart Agriculture
World Agroforestry (ICRAF) 2019 ISBN:9789966108241
Constructability criteria, and modular design factors for concrete formwork
CII Guideline for Constructability, 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (57):
Change in soil moisture and salinity under Border irrigation, Every furrow irrigation and Permanent skip furrow irrigation
(The DT XV International Conference on Arid Land 2023)
Cut-soiler assisted subsurface placement of amendment and crop residue reclaim subsurface sodicity in semi-arid region of Indo-gangetic plains
(The DT XV International Conference on Arid Land 2023)
Salinity management through Cut-soiler assisted drainage for sustainable mustard production in Indo-Gangetic plain
(The DT XV International Conference on Arid Land 2023)
Cut-Soiler assisted sub-surface sodicity reclamation for rice-wheat production in Indo-Gangetic plains
(The DT XV International Conference on Arid Land 2023)
Cut-soiler constructed preferential shallow sub-surface drainage spacing optimization for field scale salinity management
(The DT XV International Conference on Arid Land 2023)