J-GLOBAL ID:202001009272275266
Update date: Nov. 20, 2024
Kodama Takanori
コダマ タカノリ | Kodama Takanori
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords (3):
Habitable planets
, Planetary atmosphere
, Exoplanet
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2024 - 2025 Linking global climate model and global ice sheet model to elucidate water and material cycles on exoplanets
- 2023 - 2025 最先端の階層的気候モデリングに基づく全球凍結イベントの推移条件解明への挑戦
- 2021 - 2024 次世代大気大循環モデルで解き明かす、系外惑星大気の大気循環と雲の影響
- 2023 - 2024 ハビタブルゾーン内側境界の検証に向けた初期金星と潮汐固定惑星の気候決定要素の検討
- 2023 - 2024 Linking global climate model and global ice sheet model to elucidate water and material cycles on exoplanets
Papers (28):
A. Peláez-Torres, E. Esparza-Borges, E. Pallé, H. Parviainen, F. Murgas, G. Morello, M. R. Zapatero-Osorio, J. Korth, N. Narita, A. Fukui, et al. Validation of up to seven TESS planet candidates through multi-colour transit photometry using MuSCAT2 data. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2024. 690
Yasunori Hori, Akihiko Fukui, Teruyuki Hirano, Norio Narita, Jerome P. de Leon, Hiroyuki Tako Ishikawa, Joel D. Hartman, Giuseppe Morello, Nestor Abreu García, Leticia Álvarez Hernández, et al. The Discovery and Follow-up of Four Transiting Short-period Sub-Neptunes Orbiting M Dwarfs. The Astronomical Journal. 2024. 167. 6. 289-289
Masayuki Kuzuhara, Akihiko Fukui, John H. Livingston, José A. Caballero, Jerome P. de Leon, Teruyuki Hirano, Yui Kasagi, Felipe Murgas, Norio Narita, Masashi Omiya, et al. Gliese 12 b: A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 pc Ideal for Atmospheric Transmission Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2024. 967. 2. L21-L21
R. Luque, H. P. Osborn, A. Leleu, E. Pallé, A. Bonfanti, O. Barragán, T. G. Wilson, C. Broeg, A. Collier Cameron, M. Lendl, et al. A resonant sextuplet of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright star HD 110067. Nature. 2023. 623. 7989. 932-937
Taiki Kagetani, Norio Narita, Tadahiro Kimura, Teruyuki Hirano, Masahiro Ikoma, Hiroyuki Tako ISHIKAWA, Steven Giacalone, Akihiko Fukui, Takanori Kodama, Rebecca Gore, et al. The mass of TOI-519 b: A close-in giant planet transiting a metal-rich mid-M dwarf. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2023
MISC (9):
IKUTA Kai, NARITA Norio, NARITA Norio, TAKARADA Takuya, TAKARADA Takuya, HIRANO Teruyuki, HIRANO Teruyuki, FUKUI Akihiko, KODAMA Takanori, KIMURA Tadahiro, et al. Characterization of transiting sub-Neptune and outer giant planet candidate around mid-M dwarf TOI-654. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2023. 2023
幾田佳, 成田憲保, 福井暁彦, 小玉貴則, 木村真博, 平野照幸, 堀安範, 小谷隆行, 生駒大洋, 田村元秀, et al. すばる望遠鏡IRDによるTOI-654の視線速度の複数惑星モデリング. 日本天文学会年会講演予稿集. 2022. 2022
Shingo Kameda, Takanori Kodama, Go Murakami, Norio Narita, Masahiro Ikoma, Naoki Terada, Keigo Enya, Alexander Tavrov, Oleg Korablev. Development of the UVSPEX for the WSO-UV to detect exoplanetary exospheric hydrogen and oxygen. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 2018
S Kameda, A Tavrov, N Osada, G Murakami, K Enya, T Kodama, N Narita, M Ikoma, O Korablev, M Sachkov. Ultraviolet Spectrograph for Exoplanets (UVSPEX) Onboard World Space Observatory Ultraviolet (WSO-UV). The Ninth Moscow Solar System Symposium 9M-S3. 2018
小玉貴則, 門屋辰太郎. 系外惑星「遠い世界の物語」その10 ~ハビタブル惑星の現状とこれから~. 日本惑星科学会誌 遊星人. 2018. 27. 83-91
Books (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (22):
Climate of a tidally locked exo-terrestrial planet
Atmosphere and Habitability for Exo-Terrestrial Planets
(JASMINE Consortium 2023)
Habitable climates for exo-terrestrial planets
(JAXA/ISAS Astrophysics colloquium 2023)
Climate of rocky planets
(ExoClimes VI 2023)
The threshold of the runaway greenhouse state: effect of the obliquity
Education (3):
- - 2017 The University of Tokyo
- - 2010 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology
- - 2005 埼玉県立熊谷高校
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2020/10 - 2023/09 The University of Tokyo Komaba Institute for Science, Graduate School of Arts and Science Project Assistant Professor
- 2019/01 - 2020/09 University of Bordeaux Laboratoire d'astrophysique de Bordeaux CNRS Post-Doctoral Researcher
- 2017/04 - 2018/12 The University of Tokyo Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute Postdoc
Committee career (1):
- 2022/01 - 日本地球惑星科学連合 運営員会
Awards (1):
- 2023/11 - 伊藤科学振興会 第56回伊藤科学振興会研究助成 太陽系外ハビタブル惑星における気候
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本惑星科学会
, 日本地球惑星科学連合
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