Research keywords (4):
, 鉄器時代
, アナトリア考古学
, The Hittites
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2023 - 2028 考古学・考古科学分析から構築する北シリア鉄器時代村落生活に関する新歴史像
2023 - 2028 考古学・考古科学分析から構築する北シリア鉄器時代村落生活に関する新歴史像
2022 - 2025 Archaeological research of city states and local societies in the Levant during the Late Bronze Age
Papers (18):
The Late Iron Age Fortress and the Jewish Village in Roman Period: The Second Phase of Excavations at Tel Rekhesh, Israel, 2013-2017. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Excavations in West Asia. 2022. 49-54
Hidetoshi Tsumoto. Two small settlements in the shadow of the expansion of the Assyrian Empire: Tell Ali al-Hajj and Tell Mastuma in Syria. The Reach of the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires: Case studies in Eastern and Western Peripheries Studia Chaburensia 8. 2020. 137-148