J-GLOBAL ID:202001015727829729
Update date: Aug. 03, 2024
Nishimura Norihisa
ニシムラ ノリヒサ | Nishimura Norihisa
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
, 肝硬変
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2021 - 2024 加齢による肝線維化進展促進に関わる新たな因子の同定とその分子学的メカニズム
- 2015 - 2018 Identification of novel treatment and biomarkers based on pharmacokinetics in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
- 2014 - 2017 Establishment of new treatment targeting lifestyle diseases and coagulation fibrinolytic system related to the development of NASH
Papers (182):
Fumimasa Tomooka, Koh Kitagawa, Akira Mitoro, Yukihisa Fujinaga, Norihisa Nishimura, Tadashi Namisaki, Takemi Akahane, Kosuke Kaji, Shohei Asada, Shinya Sato, et al. Unilateral drainage and chemotherapy prolong the patency of a plastic stent placed above the sphincter of Oddi in patients with malignant hilar biliary obstruction. DEN open. 2025. 5. 1. e404
Jun-Ichi Hanatani, Koh Kitagawa, Fumimasa Tomooka, Shohei Asada, Akira Mitoro, Yukihisa Fujinaga, Norihisa Nishimura, Shinya Sato, Akihiko Shibamoto, Yuki Fujimoto, et al. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the treatment of acute cholangitis caused by choledocholithiasis: A single-center retrospective study in Japan. DEN open. 2025. 5. 1. e371
Aritoshi Koizumi, Kosuke Kaji, Norihisa Nishimura, Shohei Asada, Takuya Matsuda, Misako Tanaka, Nobuyuki Yorioka, Yuki Tsuji, Koh Kitagawa, Shinya Sato, et al. Effects of elafibranor on liver fibrosis and gut barrier function in a mouse model of alcohol-associated liver disease. World journal of gastroenterology. 2024. 30. 28. 3428-3446
Satoshi Iwai, Takemi Akahane, Hiroaki Takaya, Takahiro Kubo, Fumimasa Tomooka, Akihiko Shibamoto, Junya Suzuki, Yuki Tsuji, Yukihisa Fujinaga, Norihisa Nishimura, et al. Ratio of von Willebrand factor to ADAMTS13 is a useful predictor of esophagogastric varices progression after sustained virologic response in patients with hepatitis C virus-related liver cirrhosis. Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology. 2024
Takahiro Kubo, Norihisa Nishimura, Kosuke Kaji, Fumimasa Tomooka, Akihiko Shibamoto, Satoshi Iwai, Junya Suzuki, Hideto Kawaratani, Tadashi Namisaki, Takemi Akahane, et al. Role of Epiregulin on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis as a Mediator via EGFR Signaling in the Cancer Microenvironment. International journal of molecular sciences. 2024. 25. 8
MISC (50):
友岡文優, 鍛治孝祐, 北川洸, 西村典久, 久保貴裕, 芝本彰彦, 岩井聡始, 鈴木淳也, 辻裕樹, 藤永幸久, et al. Sulforaphane potentiates the cholangiocarcinoma inhibitory effect of gemcitabine via HDAC inhibition. 日本がん転移学会学術集会・総会プログラム抄録集. 2023. 32nd
辻裕樹, 浪崎正, 鈴木淳也, 高谷広章, 野口隆一, 西村典久, 鍛冶孝祐, 瓦谷英人, 赤羽たけみ, 吉治仁志. ラジオ波焼灼治療による肝細胞癌根治術後の異所再発マーカーの検討. 日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web). 2023. 120
鍛治孝祐, 西村典久, 浪崎正, 赤羽たけみ, 吉治仁志. SGLT2阻害薬を応用した肝線維化・肝癌治療の試み. 糖尿病(Web). 2021. 64. Suppl
浪崎正, 守屋圭, 藤永幸久, 古川正統, 瓦谷英人, 鍛治孝祐, 高谷広章, 澤田保彦, 西村典久, 赤羽たけみ, et al. 原発性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)における病態関連因子の検討. 日本高齢消化器病学会誌. 2021. 24. 1
古川政統, 美登路昭, 吉治仁志, 高木宏哲, 藤永幸久, 北川洸, 澤田保彦, 西村典久, 高谷広章, 鍛冶孝祐, et al. 20mm以下の表在性非乳頭部十二指腸腫瘍に対するunderwater EMRの有用性. Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web). 2021. 63. Supplement1
Work history (3):
- 2020/04 - 現在 Nara Medical University
- 2017/06 - 2020/03 NIH
- 2013/04 - 2017/03 奈良県立医科大学消化器・代謝内科 大学院生
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