J-GLOBAL ID:202001017106901798
Update date: Nov. 12, 2024
Sato Hiroyuki
サトウ ヒロユキ | Sato Hiroyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Statistical science
Research keywords (3):
, データサイエンス
, 生物統計
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2020 - 2022 ベイズ流モデル平均化を応用した新規ベイズ流用量探索法の研究開発
Papers (14):
Hirakawa A, Sato H, Hanazawa R, Suzuki K, Japanese Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Estimating the longitudinal trajectory of cognitive function measurement using short-term data with different disease stages: Application in Alzheimer's disease. Statistics in Medicine. 2022. 41. 21. 4200-4214
Murata K, Takahashi Y, Inaba O, Nitta J, Kobori A, Sakamoto Y, Nagata Y, Tanimoto K, Matsuo S, Yamane T, et al. Efficacy of left atrial posterior wall isolation guided by lesion size prediction module for non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. EP Europace. 2022
Nakayama K, Shachar S, Finn EH, Sato H, Hirakawa A, Misteli T. Large-scale mapping of positional changes of hypoxia-responsive genes upon activation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2022. 33. 8. ar72
Hirakawa A, Sato H, Igeta M, Fujikawa K, Daimon T, Teramukai S. Regulatory issues and the potential use of Bayesian approaches for early drug approval systems in Japan. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2022. 21. 3. 691-695
Takino K, Kameshima M, Asai C, Kawamura I, Tomita S, Sato H, Hirakawa A, Yamada S. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation after cardiovascular surgery mitigates muscle weakness in older individuals with diabetes. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2022. 101659
MISC (1):
平川晃弘, 浅野淳一, 佐藤宏征, 橋本大哉, 手良向聡. Bayesian Basket Designs for Cancer Clinical Trials. 計量生物学. 2019. 39. 2. 103-122-122
Books (4):
Modern Dose-Finding Designs for Cancer Phase I Trials: Drug Combinations and Molecularly Targeted Agents
Springer 2018 ISBN:4431555722
Oncology clinical trials : successful design, conduct, and analysis
Demos Medical, an imprint of Springer Publishing 2018 ISBN:9780826168726
Data Monitoring Committees in Clinical Trials: A Practical Perspective
2017 ISBN:9784860790837
Frontiers of Biostatistical Methods and Applications in Clinical Oncology
Springer 2017
Work history (5):
- 2022/08 - 現在 東京医科歯科大学 病院 診療管理部門 臨床試験管理センター 助教
- 2020/11 - 現在 東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 環境社会医歯学講座 臨床統計学分野 助教
- 2021/10 - 2022/07 東京医科歯科大学 病院 診療管理部門 臨床試験管理センター 助教
- 2020/04 - 2021/09 東京医科歯科大学 医学部附属病院 中央診療施設等 臨床試験管理センター 助教
- 2009/04 - 2020/03 独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構 新薬審査第三部・第五部 審査専門員(生物統計担当)
Association Membership(s) (1):
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