J-GLOBAL ID:202001017244648688   Update date: Apr. 22, 2024

Kato Mizuki

カトウ ミズキ | Kato Mizuki
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2020 - 2023 金銭的インセンティブを用いた健康づくりの内発的動機への影響に関する研究
Papers (6):
  • Construction of social participation infrastructure to solve issues in aging suburban areas of large cities and implementation and validation of a public lecture program for the elderly community. 2023. 27. 229-233
  • KATO, Mizuki. Comparison of different ratings of arousal and emotional valence for emotional stimuli. Tama University Journal of Management and Information Sciences. 2022. 26. 69-79
  • KATO, Mizuki, FUJITA, Tetsuya. Effects on perceived utility of students to the rubric for the presentation in the First-Year class of university. Tama University Journal of Management and Information Sciences. 2019. 23. 91-100
  • Analysis of the validity of rubric assessment for inquiry-based learning program : Relationship between evaluation of daily activities conducted by parents and that of learning activities conducted by facilitator. 2018. 76. 129-137
  • 加藤 みずき. 情動喚起刺激の感情価と覚醒度が再生・再認記憶に及ぼす影響. 大学院紀要 = Bulletin of graduate studies = 大学院紀要 = Bulletin of graduate studies. 2016. 76. 11-22
MISC (46):
  • 加藤 みずき, 久保田 貴文, 良峯 徳和, 樋笠 尭士, 梅澤 佳子, 野坂 美穂, 内藤 旭惠, 高橋 恭寛. ポストコロナ時代において大都市郊外型高齢化に立ち向かうためのQOLの再確認と社会参画基盤作り-Reconfirming QOL and construction of social participation infrastructure to solve issues in aging suburban areas of large cities in the Post-Corona Era. 経営情報研究 = Tama University journal of management and information sciences : 多摩大学研究紀要. 2024. 28. 213-217
  • Educational program to solve Gerontology problems for the elderly - building platforms for education and caring mental health. 経営・情報研究 多摩大学研究紀要 = Tama University journal of management and information sciences. 2022. 26. 215-218
  • Mizuki KATO, Tetsuya FUJITA. Effects of encoding by rating for emotional words IV: Comparing evoked valence to inherent valence. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2021. 2020. 138-138
  • Tetsuya FUJITA, Mizuki KATO. Effects of encoding by rating for emotional words III: Comparing evoked arousal to inherent arousal. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2021. 2020. 137-137
  • KUBOTA, Takafumi, KATO, Mizuki. A platform for social participation to improve the QOL of older adults in Japan on a VUCA environment times. 経営・情報研究 多摩大学研究紀要 = Tama University Journal of Management and Information Sciences. 2021. 25. 35-39
Education (3):
  • 2013 - 2018 Graduate School of Hosei University
  • 2011 - 2013 Graduate School of Hosei University
  • 2007 - 2011 Chuo University Faculty of Letters Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Work history (1):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Tama University School of Management & Information Sciences Lecturer
Association Membership(s) (8):
日本感情心理学会 ,  日本教育工学会 ,  初年次教育学会 ,  Psychonomic Society ,  日本認知科学会 ,  日本教育心理学会 ,  日本心理学会 ,  日本認知心理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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