J-GLOBAL ID:202001017810992367   Update date: Sep. 07, 2024

Kusumi Yusuke

クスミ ユウスケ | Kusumi Yusuke
Affiliation and department:
Job title: lecturer
Homepage URL  (1): https://posthuman-edu.jimdosite.com/
Research field  (4): Education - general ,  Special needs education ,  Education - general ,  Educational psychology
Research keywords  (10): agecy ,  new materialism ,  post humanism ,  agential realism ,  post-qualitative reserach ,  Qualitative Research ,  Educational Psychology ,  Educational Methodology ,  Socio-cultural Approach ,  Learning of Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (9):
  • 2024 - 2027 非言語的条件が人間の創造的思考に及ぼす影響
  • 2024 - 2025 知的障害のある子どもとない子どもが互恵的に学び合うことのできる教科教育の条件の解明
  • 2020 - 2023 Program Development of Inclusive Disaster Prevention Education by Disability Understanding
  • 2020 - 2023 Mechanism of knowledge creation in advanced learning process
  • 2021 - 2022 Reconsidering Children’s Learning: A Socio-cultural Analysis of Lessons in a School for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
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Papers (20):
  • Yusuke Kusumi. Actualizing concept without language: a diffractive analysis of educational practice for children with disabilities with handmade manipulative materials in Japan. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 2024. 37. 4. 927-943
  • MIYAJI Koichiro, SHIMOYAMA Mae, OKUMURA Maiko, TOYA Kenji, KUSUMI Yusuke, UEHARA Toshiharu, OGURA Mitsuaki, KOBAYASHI Hideyo, KON Mayuko, SHINOZAKI Masanori, et al. Improving Teaching Skills in Discipline-Based Epistemological Approaches for Special Needs Education School Teachers: A Focus on Education for Children With Intellectual Disability. 2024. 18. 296-308
  • Yusuke Kusumi. Opening (up to Post-) Qualitative Research: Research from an Ethico-Onto-Epistem-ological Persoective. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology. 2023. 22. 206-224
  • Yusuke Kusumi, Mitsuaki Tominaga, Hironobu Nagasawa, Azusa Fujii. One School’s Management of Students With Intellectual Disabilities During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan: A Study Based on Interviews With Teachers. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. 2022. 27. 2. 354-369
  • Yusuke Kusumi. Sense of Identity of Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Interactions with Students without Disabilities: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology. 2022. 21. 110-128
MISC (19):
  • Yusuke Kusumi. 【連載】新しい時代の教育を創造する:(第13回)物と人間のコンヴィヴィアルな関係. 2024. 72. 4. 76-83
  • Yusuke Kusumi. 【連載】新しい時代の教育を創造する:(第12回)学習における創造. 2024. 72. 3. 78-85
  • 楠見友輔. 【連載】新しい時代の教育を創造する:(第11回)人新世の教育に向けて. 教育と医学. 2024. 72. 2. 78-85
  • Yusuke Kusumi. 【連載】新しい時代の教育を創造する:(第10回)物のエージェンシー. 教育と医学. 2023. 72. 1
  • Yusuke Kusumi. 【連載】新しい時代の教育を創造する:(第9回)子どもの未来をひらく. 教育と医学. 2023. 71. 6. 80-87
Books (5):
  • アンラーニング質的研究ー表象の危機と生成変化
    新曜社 2024 ISBN:478851849X
  • 知的障害教育におけるレッスン・スタディ
    東洋館出版社 2023 ISBN:4491045291
  • Reconsidering Children’s Learning: A Socio-cultural Analysis of Lessons in a School for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
    The University of Tokyo Press 2022 ISBN:4130562363
  • 教育心理学 (やさしく学ぶ教職課程)
    2020 ISBN:4762029726
  • これからの質的研究法-15の事例にみる学校教育実践研究
    東京図書 2019 ISBN:4489023073
Lectures and oral presentations  (46):
  • New-teaching-material-ism: challenging conservative humanist paradigms in education
    (EASST-4S 2024 2024)
  • 動いている世界とともにどのように研究するか:ドゥルーズの生成変化の哲学をもとに
    (日本質的心理学会第20回大会 2023)
  • 質的研究法を学びほぐす:障害児・者教育の視座から
    (日本質的心理学会第20回大会 2023)
  • ニュー・マテリアリズムによる教育研究の可能性を探る(2):音とともに変化する実践-研究
    (日本教育方法学会第59回大会 2023)
  • インクルーシブ教育学のための教育対話研究2 -交流及び共同学習での対話的な実践から「Inclusive Pedagogy」を捉え直す-
    (The Japanese Association of Special Education 61th Conference 2023)
Education (3):
  • 2016 - 2020 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education (Division of Professional Development of Teachers) Ph.D
  • 2014 - 2016 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education (Division of Professional Development of Teachers) the master's course
  • 2009 - 2014 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Education
Professional career (3):
  • Doctor (The University of Tokyo)
  • Master (The University of Tokyo)
  • Bachelor (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (10):
  • 2023/04 - 現在 Shinshu University Faculty of Education lecturer
  • 2023/04 - 2023/08 Keio University a part-time lecturer
  • 2022/04 - 2023/03 Rikkyo University a part-time lecturer
  • 2022/04 - 2023/03 Tokyo University of the Arts a part-time lecturer
  • 2021/04 - 2023/03 Shiraumegakuen University a part-time lecturer
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Awards (3):
  • 2022/10 - Japanese Association of Qualitative Psychology International Frontier Incentive Award
  • 2021/04 - University of Tokyo Jiritsu-award
  • 2020/09 - The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology kido-award
Association Membership(s) (10):
日本発達心理学会 ,  日本教育心理学会 ,  日本教育学会 ,  日本教育方法学会 ,  日本質的心理学会 ,  World Education Research Association(WERA) ,  World Association of Lesson Studies ,  日本教育工学会 ,  日本特殊教育学会 ,  障害児基礎教育研究会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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