Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2021 - 2024 (導来)箙Heisenberg代数の表現論と圏論的幾何学
2018 - 2021 tame noncommutative projective schemes and related representation
2013 - 2019 Diversified research of ring theory and representation theory with derived categories as its center
2014 - 2017 derived Gabriel topology and its applications
2012 - 2016 New development of representation theory of orders
2009 - 2013 三角圏を介した非可換代数幾何学の研究
2012 - 2012 非可換代数幾何学と有限次元代数の表現論の導来圏を用いた総合的研究
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Papers (13):
Yuta Kimura, Hiroyuki Minamoto, Kota Yamaura. Tilting theory for finite dimensional 1-Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras. Journal of Algebra. 2025. 663. 259-288
Martin Herschend, Osamu Iyama, Hiroyuki Minamoto, Steffen Oppermann. Representation Theory of Geigle-Lenzing Complete Intersections. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 2023. 285. 1412
Hiroyuki Minamoto. Resolutions and homological dimensions of DG-modules. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2021. 245. 1. 409-454
Hiroyuki Minamoto. Homological identities and dualizing complexes of commutative differential graded algebras. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2021. 242. 1. 1-36