J-GLOBAL ID:202001019873129980
Update date: Oct. 31, 2024
Ishihara Hiroe
イシハラ ヒロエ | Ishihara Hiroe
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
Environmental policy and society
, Theoretical economics
, Sociology
Research keywords (3):
Common Pool Resources
, Ecosystem Servces
, Critical Realism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (27):
Christopher Martin, Hiroe Ishihara. Establishing a typology for stewardship: a nexus of opportunity for organisational and environmental management. Sustainability Nexus Forum. 2024. 32. 1
Yuki Sano, Jos A.A.M. Verstegen, Hiroe Ishihara. What affects institutional and organizational transitions of sales cooperatives in the Dutch horticultural sector?. Journal of Rural Studies. 2024. 106
Rachelle K. Gould, Tomomi Saito, Karen E. Allen, Aletta Bonn, Mollie Chapman, Laÿna Droz, Thora M. Herrmann, Austin Himes, Hiroe Ishihara, Marcondes G. Coelho-Junior, et al. Constraint breeds creativity: A brainstorming method to jumpstart out-of-the-box thinking for sustainability science. BioScience. 2023. 73. 10. 703-710
Yumiko Kura, Kosal Mam, Seila Chea, Dyna Eam, Kaitlin Almack, Hiroe Ishihara. Conservation for sustaining livelihoods: Adaptive co-management of fish no-take zones in the Mekong River. Fisheries Research. 2023. 265
Hiroe Ishihara. Power relations. Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. 2023. 421-422
MISC (10):
芦田 慎也, 石原 広恵, 塩谷 格, 清水 義弘, 牧野 光琢. V. 総合討論:パネリストからの意見. 日本水産学会誌. 2024. 90. 1. 74-75
ISHIHARA HIROE. II-1. Does sustainability of fish stock lead to sustainability of fishing community?. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2020. 86. 5. 436-436
石原 広恵. 水産物の認証制度・エコラベルの発展過程と日本における普及. JMOAレポート. 2020. 20. 1-12
石原 広恵, アビゲイル ブランドン(山脇亜弥). エコラベル・認証制度で「海の豊かさ」は実現できるのか?-Can we achieve "Life below the water" with certification schemes?-特集 水産をとりまく現状と課題(1). 海洋と生物 = Aquabiology. 2020. 42. 1. 56-64
石原 広恵. 認証制度・エコラベルは誰のため?(第5回・最終回)誰のための持続性か?. アクアネット = Aqua net : 産地と消費地をネットする水産情報誌. 2019. 22. 6. 52-56
Books (3):
成山堂書店 2020 ISBN:9784425831319
恒星社厚生閣 2020 ISBN:9784769916482
Global Environmental Commons:Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms.
Oxford University Press 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
Science: View point from Spiny Lobster Fisheries in Wagu district,
(International Collaboration on Ocean Conservation along the Maritime Silk Road 2018)
Promoting Traceability Through Certification Schemes
(EU-Japan Joint Seminar on IUU Fishing 2018)
Two institutions for one fisheries management: Pooling period and individual operation periods in Wagu spiny lobster fishery
(FAO Tenure and User Right Workshop 2018)
Introduction of Payment for Ecosystem Service: Untangling its ‘messy’ process from institutional perspective, American Association of Geographers
(American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2018)
Sen’s Capability Approach and Social Embeddedness: Critique from social theory
(Human Development and Capability Approach Conference 2016)
Education (1):
- 2007 - 2016 University of Cambridge Department of Land Economy
Work history (7):
- 2021/05 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Associate Professor
- 2018/02 - 2021/05 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Assistant Professor
- 2016/06 - 2018/01 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Project Research Fellow
- 2012/11 - 2013/05 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Research Fellow
- 2008/10 - 2009/08 United Nations University Ph. D. fellow
- 2003/08 - 2006/09 United Nations Development Program Environment Unit, Yemen Office Programme Officer
- 2002/02 - 2003/02 Fuji Research Institute Economics and Welfare Unit Research Assistant
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