J-GLOBAL ID:202001021338808171
Update date: Oct. 17, 2024
Takahata Miki
タカハタ ミキ | Takahata Miki
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2023 - 2025 呼吸困難感に対するテーラーメイドなADL指導の開発:主観的・客観的指標からの検討
Papers (14):
Yuki Kawakatsu, Miki Takahata, Shinji Satake, Toshiaki Sato, Aaron Eakman. A single-arm pilot study of a brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia intervention among Japanese occupational therapy and physical therapy university students with sleep disturbances. Frontiers in Sleep. 2024
takuya uchiumi, Masao Ishizawa, Miki Takahata, Michiyasu Yamaki, Toshiaki Sato. The Effects of Pre-bedtime Blue-Light Exposure on Subjective Sleep Quality, Attention, and Work Efficiency in Men Students: A Pilot Study. Sleep and Vigilance. 2024
Toshiaki Sato, Yuki Kawakatsu, Miki Takahata, Shuhei Muraoka, Daisuke Kudo, Shinji Satake, Aaron Eakman. 0093 Chronotypic characteristics of sleep, mental health, and daily life of Japanese university of health sciences students. SLEEP. 2023. 46. Supplement_1. A42-A42
Aaron Eakman, Yuki Kawakatsu, Miki Takahata, Shuhei Muraoka, Daisuke Kudo, Shinji Satake, Toshiaki Sato. 0176 Predictors of sleep duration among university students in Japan: Cross-cultural insights for developing sleep health interventions. SLEEP. 2023. 46. Supplement_1. A78-A79
Yuki Kawakatsu, Miki Takahata, Shinji Satake, Toshiaki Sato, Aaron Eakman. 0386 Brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia among Japanese university students with sleep disturbances. SLEEP. 2023. 46. Supplement_1. A171-A172
MISC (3):
加藤 緩奈, 松田 直子, 高畑 未樹, 小関 千賀, 佐藤 寿晃. 地域在住高齢者における咬合力と血管内皮機能の関係. 日本作業療法学会抄録集. 2020. 54回. PP-17
高畑 未樹, 石澤 正夫, 稲村 卓哉, 八巻 通安, 佐藤 寿晃. 健常若年者における洗髪動作の違いが酸素摂取量、換気量に与える影響. 日本作業療法学会抄録集. 2019. 53回. PC-1F02
石澤 正夫, 稲村 卓哉, 高畑 未樹, 八巻 通安, 佐藤 寿晃. 健常男子学生におけるブルーライト照射有無が睡眠中の体動に与える影響. 日本作業療法学会抄録集. 2019. 53回. OP-3
Lectures and oral presentations (20):
Effects of blue-light irradiation on sleep quality, post-wake attention performance and work efficiency in healthy participants
Effects of motion with unsupported arm elevation and gender differences on oxygen uptake and ventilation during low-load ADL in healthy young people
(CHEST Annual Meeting 2021)
A trial of evaluating work-related occupational performance in cherry farmers with a rotator cuff tear
(第8回全国作業療法学系大学院ゼミナール 2021)
(第53回日本作業療法学会 2020)
Education (3):
- 2020 - 2022 山形県立保健医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 作業療法学分野(博士後期課程)
- 2018 - 2020 山形県立保健医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 作業療法学分野(博士前期課程)
- 2014 - 2018 Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Science Faculty of Health Science Department of Occupational Therapy
Professional career (2):
- 博士(作業療法学) (山形県立保健医療大学大学院)
- 修士(作業療法学) (山形県立保健医療大学大学院)
Work history (3):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Science Faculty of Health Science Department of Occupational Therapy
- 2018/04 - 現在 山形市立病院済生館 リハビリテーション室 作業療法士(非常勤)
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 医療法人敬愛会 尾花沢病院 作業療法士(非常勤)
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