J-GLOBAL ID:202002279724938144   Reference number:20A0969699

Family Firm CEOs’ Expectations of Managerial Succession and Their Long-Term Investment

ミクロ的基礎による戦略論の展開 同族企業における事業承継の不確実性と長期的投資行動
Author (1):
Volume: 53  Issue:Page: 4-17  Publication year: Mar. 20, 2020 
JST Material Number: G0726A  ISSN: 0286-9713  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Management engineering in general  ,  Profit management 
Reference (40):
  • Anderson, R. C., Duru, A., & Reeb, D. M. (2012). Investment policy in family controlled firms. <i>Journal of Banking & Finance, 36</i>(6), 1744-1758.
  • Astrachan, J. H., & Kolenko, T. A. (1994). A neglected factor explaining family business success: Human resource practices. <i>Family Business Review, 7</i>(3), 251-262.
  • Berrone, P., Cruz C., & Gómez-Mejia L. R. (2012). Socioemotional wealth in family firms: Theoretical dimensions, assessment approaches, and agenda for future research. <i>Family Business Review, 25</i>(3), 258-279.
  • Calabrò, A., Minichilli, A., Amore, M. D., & Brogi, M. (2018). The courage to choose!: Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms. <i>Strategic Management Journal, 39</i>(7), 2014-2035
  • Cennamo, C., Berrone, P., Cruz, C., & Gómez-Mejia, L. R. (2012). Socioemotional wealth and proactive stakeholder engagement: Why family-controlled firms care more about their stakeholders. <i>Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36</i>(6), 1153-1173.

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