J-GLOBAL ID:202010000811000761   Research Resource code:NBDC01752 Update date:Jul. 09, 2020


Owning Organization:
  • Charles University
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (3): DNA ,  Protein ,  RNA
Tag (data type)  (2): Sequence ,  Interaction/Pathway
Species (2): Eukaryota (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 2759) ,  Viruses (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 10239)
The IRESite database presents information about experimentally studied IRES (Internal Ribosome Entry Site) segments. IRES regions are known to attract the eukaryotic ribosomal translation initiation complex and thus promote translation initiation independently of the presence of the commonly utilized 5'-terminal 7mG cap structure.
Source: FAIRsharing
Record maintainer: See the corresponding part in the FAIRsharing record
Record license: Creative Commons Attribution and Share-alike (CC-BY-SA) International 4.0 license

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