J-GLOBAL ID:202010002057337102
Research Resource code:NBDC02429
Update date:Jul. 02, 2019
NLDB: Natural Ligand DataBase
NLDB: Natural Ligand DataBase
Owning Organization:
Tohoku University Graduate School of Information Sciences
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (3):
, Metabolite
, Chemical compound
Tag (data type) (2):
3D structure
, Interaction/Pathway
NLDB is a database of automatically collected and predicted 3D protein-ligand interactions in the enzymatic reactions of metabolic pathways registered in KEGG. NLDB provides three different types of data resources; the natural complexes are experimentally determined protein-ligand complex structures in PDB, the analog complexes are predicted based on known protein structures in a complex with a similar ligand, and the ab initio complexes are predicted by docking simulations. The database has a flexible search function based on various types of keywords, and an enrichment analysis function based on a set of KEGG compound IDs. In addition, NLDB shows the known polymorphisms found in human genome on protein structures.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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