J-GLOBAL ID:202010007021810067   Research Resource code:NBDC02290 Update date:Jul. 09, 2020

NCI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives Data Coordinating Center: CSSI DCC

NCI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives Data Coordinating Center: CSSI DCC
Owning Organization:
  • Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Health/Disease
Tag (data type)  (3): Method ,  Bibliography/Documents ,  Repository
Species (1): All (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1)
The CSSI Data Coordinating Center (DCC) provides the greater Cancer Research and Biomedical Research communities access to the data from a myriad of projects that have been supported by CSSI -- serving as a permanent repository for these and related investigations. The DCC allows users in the community to download the metadata and data from these investigations in the ISA-TAB format. The DCC also allows any user to upload and download the metadata and data associated with investigations. The DCC has a graphical user interface allowing users to easily visualize the content within the data archives
Source: FAIRsharing
Record maintainer: See the corresponding part in the FAIRsharing record
Record license: Creative Commons Attribution and Share-alike (CC-BY-SA) International 4.0 license

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