J-GLOBAL ID:202010013352505981   Research Resource code:NBDC02210 Update date:Jul. 09, 2020

US Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase: KBase

US Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase: KBase
Owning Organization:
  • LBNL (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (2): Genome/Gene ,  Metabolite
Tag (data type)  (5): Method ,  Sequence ,  Expression ,  Interaction/Pathway ,  Repository
KBase is the first large-scale bioinformatics system that enables users to upload their own data, analyze it (along with collaborator and public data), build increasingly realistic models, and share and publish their workflows and conclusions. KBase aims to provide a knowledgebase: an integrated environment where knowledge and insights are created and multiplied.
Source: FAIRsharing
Record maintainer: See the corresponding part in the FAIRsharing record
Record license: Creative Commons Attribution and Share-alike (CC-BY-SA) International 4.0 license

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