J-GLOBAL ID:202101001191946111
Update date: Nov. 05, 2024
Nakayama Yujiro
Nakayama Yujiro | Nakayama Yujiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Clinical Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Shonan Tobu General Hospital
Department of Surgery
Research field (1):
Digestive surgery
Research keywords (4):
Robotic surgery
, Laparoscopic surgery
, Surgery education
, Colorectal cancer
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2020 - 2024 A study of factors inhibiting employment after gastrointestinal cancer incidence
Papers (17):
Yukitoshi Todate, Michitaka Honda, Toshihiko Takada, Toshiyuki Saginoya, Hisashi Yamaguchi, Koichi Hamada, Yujiro Nakayama, Hidetaka Kawamura, Yoshinao Takano, Katsuhiko Hashimoto. The additional diagnostic impact of positron emission tomography-computed tomography for lymph node metastasis from colorectal cancer: A prospective lymph node level analysis. Journal of surgical oncology. 2021. 124. 7. 1085-1090
Yujiro Nakayama, Hidetaka Kawamura, Michitaka Honda, Yoshinao Takano, Koichi Takiguchi, Takahiro Kamiga, Shigeru Yamazaki, Atsushi Muto, Satoru Shiraso, Naoyuki Yamashita, et al. Benefit of intensive chemotherapy for elderly patients aged 80 years or older with metastatic colorectal cancer: a state-wide multicenter cohort study. International journal of clinical oncology. 2021. 26. 7. 1248-1256
Yujiro Nakayama, Takeru Iijima, Takuhiko Inokuchi, Ekumi Kojika, Misato Takao, Akinari Takao, Koichi Koizumi, Shin-Ichiro Horiguchi, Tsunekazu Hishima, Tatsuro Yamaguchi. Clinicopathological features of sporadic MSI colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome: a single-center retrospective cohort study. International journal of clinical oncology. 2021
Michitaka Honda, Soshi Hori, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Koichi Hamada, Hidetaka Kawamura, Yujiro Nakayama, Yukitoshi Todate, Teppei Miyakawa, Yoshinao Takano, Atai Sato, et al. Comparison of ethanol concentrations after drinking in patients who underwent total gastrectomy versus healthy controls. ANZ journal of surgery. 2021. 91. 7-8. E474-E478
Mao Nishikawa, Michitaka Honda, Ryosuke Kimura, Ayaka Kobayashi, Yuji Yamaguchi, Soshi Hori, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hidetaka Kawamura, Yujiro Nakayama, Yukitoshi Todate, et al. The effects of intensive oral care before surgery for gastric cancer patients. Oral diseases. 2020. 27. 7. 1847-1853
MISC (158):
中山祐次郎, 伊吹省, 松本美香, 川野裕也, 櫻井嘉彦. 中規模病院における安全なロボット支援手術導入法の書籍化による一般化の試み. 日本ロボット外科学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2024. 16th
女屋悠, 中山祐次郎, 伊吹省, 荒井勝彦, 茂垣雅俊, 櫻井嘉彦. Desmoid tumor associated with ulcerative colitis: a case report. 臨床外科. 2024. 79. 9
中山祐次郎, 池田堅登, 伊吹省, 荒井勝彦, 櫻井嘉彦. 他臓器浸潤や高度癒着などの非典型結腸癌症例におけるロボット支援下手術の有用性. 日本外科学会定期学術集会(Web). 2024. 124th
中山祐次郎. エビデンスがわかる!後輩指導に役立つ!厳選 救急ガイドライン集 10 急性腹症診療ガイドライン2015. Emer-Log. 2023. 36. 2
伊東風花, 中山祐次郎, 中山祐次郎, 松本美香, 櫻井聡子, 中野梨紗. 中規模病院における安全なロボット手術の導入とマニュアル化. 日本手術看護学会誌. 2023. 19. 1
Books (22):
ぼっちでもできる医学研究 : 初心者にちょうどいいデータで論文執筆してみる
メジカルビュー社 2024 ISBN:9784758323000
幻冬舎 2024 ISBN:9784344433502
メジカルビュー社 2023 ISBN:9784758307604
メジカルビュー社 2023 ISBN:9784758315487
幻冬舎 2023 ISBN:9784344432888
Education (2):
- 2018 - 2019 京都大学大学院 医学研究科 社会健康医学系専攻 医療疫学講座
- 2001 - 2007 Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (2):
- Master of Public Health (Kyoto University)
- Doctor of Medicine (Fukushima Medical University)
Work history (1):
- 2024/05 - 現在 Shonan Medical University Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Clinical Professor
Committee career (1):
- 2023/04 - 現在 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery (JSES) Public relations committee
Awards (1):
- 2021/03 - Society of STR research award The long-term outcomes in adolescent and young adult patients with colorectal cancer -A multicenter large-scale cohort study
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