J-GLOBAL ID:202101001776412082   Update date: Jul. 26, 2024

Yamagishi Shohei

ヤマギシ ショウヘイ | Yamagishi Shohei
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Wood science ,  Forest science
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2024 - 2027 The elucidation of the hydraulic circuit breaker function in coniferous species in response to drought
  • 2022 - 2024 木材組織を満たす水の流入過程から探る多湿心材の発生メカニズム
Papers (4):
  • Shohei Yamagishi, Miho Kojima, Katsushi Kuroda, Hisashi Abe, Yuzou Sano. Seasonal variation of vessel pits in sapwood: microscopical analyses of the morphology and chemical components of pit membrane encrustations in Fraxinus mandshurica. Annals of Botany. 2024
  • Yoko Watanabe, Shohei Yamagishi, Naoki Takata, Taku Tsuyama, Koh Yasue, Yasuyuki Ohno. Formation of xylem tissues and secondary cell walls is diminished by severe and consecutive insect defoliation. American Journal of Botany. 2023
  • Mako Kishigami, Fumiaki Matsuoka, Akiteru Maeno, Shohei Yamagishi, Hisashi Abe, Wataru Toki. Yeast associated with flower longicorn beetle Leptura ochraceofasciata (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae), with implication for its function in symbiosis. PLOS ONE. 2023. 18. 3. e0282351-e0282351
  • Shohei Yamagishi, Kengo Shigetomi, Syunya Fujiyasu, Dan Aoki, Tetsuro Uno, Kazuhiko Fukushima, Yuzou Sano. Artifactual lipid coatings on intervessel pit membranes in dried xylem tissues of some angiosperms. IAWA Journal. 2021. 42. 4. 365-383
MISC (3):
  • 佐藤興平, 南雅代, 児嶋美穂, 山岸松平, 安部久, 洪完. 浅間火山北麓に分布する湖成層と火山泥流堆積物:埋没木片の樹種と14C年代の予察的検討. 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告. 2024. 28. 151-160
  • 佐藤興平, 南雅代, 児嶋美穂, 山岸松平, 黒岩俊明, 安部久, 洪完. 軽石流に埋められた浅間火山北麓の埋没林:樹種及び14C年代. 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告. 2024. 28. 145-150
  • 山岸松平. 広葉樹の道管をつなぐ壁孔とその樹種特性. 木材工業. 2023. 78. 9. 335-339
Books (1):
  • Q&Aでわかる土木と木材
    (公社)土木学会 2023 ISBN:9784810610673
Lectures and oral presentations  (17):
  • ユーカリ・サリグナにおける木部繊維中の水分布の可視化
    (第74回日本木材学会大会(京都大会) 2024)
  • 永久凍土上のクロトウヒの肥大成長は森林火災後にどのように変化するか?
    (第135回日本森林学会大会 2024)
  • 材線虫病感染における壁孔の病変
    (第135回日本森林学会大会 2024)
  • 明条件と暗黒条件でのマツ材線虫病の通水阻害の進展
    (樹木医学会大会第28回大会 2023)
  • ヤチダモの辺材の道管相互壁孔に生じる被覆物の成分
    (第73回日本木材学会大会(福岡大会) 2023)
Education (2):
  • 2018 - 2023 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture
  • 2014 - 2018 Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Forest Science
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor (Hokkaido University)
Work history (1):
  • 2021/10 - 現在 Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute Department of Wood Properties and Processing
Awards (2):
  • 2022/03 - International Association of Wood Anatomists I.W. Bailey Award 2021 Artifactual lipid coatings on intervessel pit membranes in dried xylem tissues of some angiosperms
  • 2021/03 - The Best poster Award of Annual Meeting Seasonal observations and histochemical examinations of intervessel pit incrustation in Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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