J-GLOBAL ID:202101003572472364
Update date: Jan. 29, 2025
Yamamoto Takeshi
ヤマモト タケシ | Yamamoto Takeshi
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2022 - 2025 中性子過剰ハイパー核ガンマ線分光実験のための核種同定法の開発
- 2021 - 2023 X-ray spectroscopy of Xi-atom using active carbon target
- 2019 - 2022 Development of hypernuclear identification method for study of charge symmetry breaking via hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy
- 2012 - 2017 Strangeness in neutron-rich nuclear matter
Papers (22):
Ichikawa Yudai, Fujita Manami, Hasegawa Shoichi, Imai Kenichi*, Nanamura Takuya, Naruki Megumi, Sato Susumu, Sako Hiroyuki, Tamura Hirokazu, Tanida Kiyoshi, et al. Missing-mass measurement of the $^{12}$C$(K^-,K^+)$ reaction at 1.8 GeV/$c$ with the Superconducting Kaon spectrometer. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet). 2024. 2024. 9. 091D01\_1-091D01\_13
Fujita Manami, Hasegawa Shoichi, Hosomi Kenji, Ichikawa Masaya, Ichikawa Yudai, Kim S., Nanamura Takuya, Sako Hiroyuki, Tamura Hirokazu, Yamamoto Takeshi, et al. $\Xi^-$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy using a counter-emulsion hybrid method. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet). 2022. 2022. 12. 123D01\_1-123D01\_17
Miwa Koji*, Fujita Manami, Harada Takeshi, Hasegawa Shoichi, Hosomi Kenji, Ichikawa Masaya, Imai Kenichi*, Sako Hiroyuki, Sato Susumu, Tamura Hirokazu, et al. Recent progress and future prospects of hyperon nucleon scattering experiment. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2022. 271. 04001\_1-04001\_7
Sakuma Fuminori*, Tamura Hirokazu, Tanida Kiyoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, 39 of others*. J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility extension project. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2022. 271. 11001\_1-11001\_7
Gogami Toshiyuki*, Ebata Kengo, Fujita Manami, Harada Takeshi, Hasegawa Shoichi, Hosomi Kenji, Ichikawa Yudai, Imai Kenichi*, Kim S., Nanamura Takuya, et al. Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2022. 271. 11002\_1-11002\_7
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
Results and future prospects of X-ray measurement of $\Xi^-$Br, $\Xi^-$Ag, and $\Xi^-$C atoms
(4th J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC 2024))
Result on the measurement of differential cross sections for $\Sigma^+ p$ elastic scattering in the J-PARC E40 experiment
Status of X-ray spectroscopy of Xi- atom (J-PARC E03)
(STRANEX: Recent progress and perspectives in STRANge EXotic atoms studies and related topics)
Recent result and future plan of hypernuclear $\gamma$-ray spectropic experiment at J-PARC
(3rd J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC 2019))
Analysis status of $\Sigma^+ p$ scattering events in the J-PARC E40 experiment
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