J-GLOBAL ID:202101006059625014   Update date: Nov. 07, 2024

IKE Saya

IKE Saya
Papers (15):
  • Please smile when you nod: The use of smile in backchannel sequences. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan,. 2019. 14. 153-160
  • Rapport-oriented vs. Stance-oriented Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2018. 13. 191-198
  • Accommodating backchannel behaviour, negotiating turns, and sharing culture in ELF communication. JACET ELG SIG Journal, 1. pp. 21-44. 2017. 21-44
  • Negotiating backchannel behaviour: Challenges in ELF communication. 2017. 48. 21-32
  • Ike, Saya, Mulder, Jean. Conceptualising Backchannel Behaviour in Japanese English and Australian English. Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan. 2016. 11. 147-154
MISC (6):
  • 池 沙弥. 英語の多様性:「違い」は「間違い」ではない. 中部経済新聞. 2024. 007面
  • 単著. The World of Englishes: リアルな英語でのリスニング. 英語教育Vol.68, No.6, p.32. 2019. 32
  • 単著. 国際英語と社会言語学と語用論:ことばと社会の関わりについて. 英語教育Vol.66, No.4, pp.64-65. 2017. 64-65
  • The Story of Australian English. 2015. 39-54
  • James F. D’Angelo, Saya Ike. A Dynamic 18th IAWE: One Conference, Two Cities. Asian Englishes, 15 (2). 2013. 15. 2. 144-153
Books (2):
  • Modelling world Englishes : a joint approach to postcolonial and non-postcolonial varieties
    Edinburgh University Press 2020 ISBN:9781474445863
  • Variety development in the Expanding-Circle: Variety for EIL communication
    Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014
Lectures and oral presentations  (28):
  • 28.English in Japan: The Applicability of the EIF Model
    (24th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Limerick, Ireland 2019)
  • 27.Please smile when you nod: The use of smile in backchannel sequences
    (The Annual Meeting of the 21st Pragmatic Society of Japan, Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan 2018)
  • 26. Extending Schneider's Dynamic Model to Non-PCE: The Japan Context
    (23rd Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Manila, Philippines 2018)
  • 25.Rapport-oriented vs. Stance-oriented Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions
    (the 20th Annual meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan 2017)
  • 24.Pragmatic Accommodation in Backchannel Sequences in ELF Interactions
    (50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zürich, Switzerland 2017)
Professional career (1):
  • PhD in Languages and Linguistics
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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