J-GLOBAL ID:202101008023046398   Update date: Sep. 12, 2023

Uchiyama Gunzo

ウチヤマ グンゾウ | Uchiyama Gunzo
Affiliation and department:
Papers (33):
  • Yamane Yuichi, Amano Yuki, Tashiro Shinsuke, Abe Hitoshi, Uchiyama Gunzo, Yoshida Kazuo, Ishikawa Jun. Release of radioactive materials from high active liquid waste in small-scale hot test for boiling accident in reprocessing plant. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2016. 53. 6. 783-789
  • Tashiro Shinsuke, Amano Yuki, Yoshida Kazuo, Yamane Yuichi, Uchiyama Gunzo, Abe Hitoshi. Release Characteristics of Ruthenium from Highly Active Liquid Waste in Drying Step. Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi. 2015. 14. 4. 227-234
  • Uchiyama Gunzo, Tashiro Shinsuke, Amano Yuki, Abe Hitoshi, Yamane Yuichi, Yoshida Kazuo, Ishikawa Jun. Experimental study on boiling accident of high active liquid waste in reprocessing. Proceedings of 21st International Conference \& Exhibition; Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Low-Carbon Future (GLOBAL 2015) (USB Flash Drive). 2015. 1056-1063
  • Amano Yuki, Watanabe Koji, Tashiro Shinsuke, Yamane Yuichi, Ishikawa Jun, Yoshida Kazuo, Uchiyama Gunzo, Abe Hitoshi. Trends of nitrogen oxide release during thermal decomposition of nitrates in highly active liquid waste. Nippon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi. 2015. 14. 2. 86-94
  • Tashiro Shinsuke, Uchiyama Gunzo, Amano Yuki, Abe Hitoshi, Yamane Yuichi, Yoshida Kazuo. Release of radioactive materials from simulated high level liquid waste at boiling accident in reprocessing plant. Nuclear Technology. 2015. 190. 2. 207-213
MISC (82):
  • Abe Hitoshi, Masaki Tomoo, Amano Yuki, Uchiyama Gunzo. Investigation of release behavior of volatile ruthenium species from thermal decomposition of ruthenium nitrosylnitrate. JAEA-Research 2014-022. 2014. 2014. 22. 12-2,1-12
  • Fukaya Hiroyuki, Suyama Kenya, Sonoda Takashi, Okubo Kiyoshi, Umeda Miki, Uchiyama Gunzo. Examination of measurement method of isotopic composition of fission products in spent fuel. JAEA-Research 2013-020. 2013. 2013. 20. 81-2,1-81
  • Abe Hitoshi, Tashiro Shinsuke, Watanabe Koji, Uchiyama Gunzo. Experiment on evaluation of confinement capability of fuel cycle facility under combustion of combustible materials (Contract research). JAEA-Research 2012-035. 2013. 2012. 35. 26-2,1-26
  • Tonoike Kotaro, Suyama Kenya, Okuno Hiroshi, Miyoshi Yoshinori, Uchiyama Gunzo. Production of criticality safety standard data with Monte-Carlo code MVP / nuclear data library JENDL-3.2 validated using ICSBE data. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality (ICNC 2011) (CD-ROM). 2012. 8
  • Tonoike Kotaro, Miyoshi Yoshinori, Uchiyama Gunzo. Uncertainty factors pertaining to critical experiment using low-enriched uranyl nitrate solution. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality (ICNC 2011) (CD-ROM). 2012. 11
Patents (14):
  • アメリシウム、キュリウムおよび希土類元素の分離回収方法
  • ブチルアミンで再生した核燃料再処理用二相系溶媒中の残存ブチルアミン除去方法
  • 使用済核燃料からテクネチウムとネプツニウムを同時分離する方法
  • 遠隔操作可能な多段ミキサセトラ型溶媒抽出装置
  • 核燃料再処理工程からの廃液中に含まれるブチルアルデヒド異性体を電気化学的に処理する方法
Lectures and oral presentations  (41):
  • Proposal of correlation equation of Ru transfer rate to vapor phase in accident of evaporation to dryness by boiling of high level liquid waste in reprocessing plant
  • Study on release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in reprocessing plant, 8; Cold large scale test
  • Study on release and transport of aerial radioactive materials in reprocessing plant, 7; Hot test
  • Study on release behavior of volatile ruthenium species with thermal decomposition of ruthenium(III) nitrosyl nitrate
  • Thermal analysis of nitrates in fuel reprocessing waste
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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