J-GLOBAL ID:202101011119510541
Update date: Mar. 03, 2025
Okayama Tomoaki
オカヤマ トモアキ | Okayama Tomoaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Basic mathematics
, Computational science
, Applied mathematics and statistics
Research keywords (2):
Numerical Methods with Variable Transformation
, Numerical Analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2023 - Further improvement of performance and reliability of the DE-Sinc methods
- 2017 - 2023 Reformulation and expanding application of the Sinc methods
- 2012 - 2017 Development of super high-efficient methods for equations with singularity and their theoretical supports
- 2010 - 2012 Research toward the practical use of Sinc numerical methods based on theoretical analysis
Papers (57):
Tomoaki OKAYAMA and Shota OGAWA. Improvement of selection formulas of mesh size and truncation numbers for the DE-Sinc approximation and its theoretical error bound. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2024. 41. 821-836
Tomoaki OKAYAMA and Yuta KAWAI. Optimal selection formulas of mesh size and truncation numbers for the double-exponential formula. JSIAM Letters. 2023. 15. 81-84
Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Sinc-collocation methods with consistent collocation points for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation. 2023. 16. 3. 63-74
Tomoaki OKAYAMA and Ken'ichiro TANAKA. Error analysis of approximation of derivatives by means of the Sinc approximation for double-exponentially decaying functions. JSIAM Letters. 2023. 15. 5-8
Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Corrected error bound for the real gamma function using the DE formula. Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications. 2022. 593-596
MISC (5):
Ken'ichiro TANAKA and Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Sinc collocation method for initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 33. 4. 213-221
Ken'ichiro TANAKA and Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Numerical indefinite integration formulas derived from the Sinc approximation. Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 33. 3. 152-163
Ken'ichiro TANAKA and Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Proof of theoretical error analyses of the Sinc approximation over a finite interval. Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 33. 2. 94-102
Ken'ichiro TANAKA and Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Introduction to Sinc numerical methods. Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 33. 1. 40-47
Tomoaki OKAYAMA. Modified Sinc-collocation methods for integral equations of the second kind and their theoretical analysis. Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2014. 24. 3. 14-18
Books (4):
Numerical Methods with Variable Transformations
Iwanami Shoten, Publishers 2023 ISBN:9784000298605
Differential equation for students in the science and engineering majors
Baifukan 2021 ISBN:9784563011581
Calculus for students in the science and engineering majors
Baifukan 2017 ISBN:9784563012090
Handbook of Applied Mathematics
Asakura Publishing 2013 ISBN:9784254111415
Lectures and oral presentations (105):
Improvement of theoretical error bounds of the SE and DE formulas for integrals with logarithmic singularity over the finite interval
(JSIAM 2024 Meeting of the Union of Research Activity Groups 2024)
Theoretical error bounds of the SE and DE formulas for integrals of polynomially decaying functions with logarithmic singularity over the semi-infinite interval
(JSIAM 2024 Meeting of the Union of Research Activity Groups 2024)
Theoretical error bounds of the SE and DE formulas for integrals of exponentially decaying functions with logarithmic singularity over the semi-infinite interval
(JSIAM 2024 Meeting of the Union of Research Activity Groups 2024)
Approximate formula for indefinite convolutions by the DE-Sinc method
(10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2023)
Error analyses of Sinc-collocation methods for exponential decay initial value problems
(Second International Conference on Mathematical And Computational Modelling, Approximation and Simulation 2023)
Education (3):
- 2007 - 2010 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Department of Mathematical Informatics
- 2005 - 2007 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Department of Mathematical Informatics
- 2001 - 2005 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Information Science and Technology) (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (12):
- 2021/04 - 現在 Hiroshima City University Graduate School Graduate School of Information Sciences Major in Systems Engineering Associate Professor
- 2021/04 - 現在 Hiroshima City University Faculty of Information Sciences Department of Systems Engineering Associate Professor
- 2021/04/01 - Hiroshima City University Graduate School of Information Sciences Associate professor
- 2014/04 - 2021/03 Hiroshima City University Graduate School of Information Sciences Lecturer
- 2010/04/01 - 2014/03/31 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Project Lecturer
- 2010/04 - 2014/03 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics Lecturer
- 2009/04/01 - 2010/03/31 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow DC2
- 2009/04 - 2010/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researher Postdoc
- 2007/04 - 2009/03 Yachiyo Rehabilitation College Lecturer
- 2005/04 - 2006/03 Fuchunishi High School Lecturer
- 2005/04 - 2005/09 Toho University Research Assistant
- 2005/04 - 2005/09 Toho University Part-Time Assistant Professor
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Committee career (8):
- 2021/10 - The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) Election Administration Committee
- 2021/10 - 日本応用数理学会 選挙管理委員会
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) Secretary Editor, Transactions of JSIAM
- 2020/04 - 2021/03 日本応用数理学会 日本応用数理学会論文誌編集委員 幹事
- 2018/04 - 2020/03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) Vice-Chief Editor, Transactions of JSIAM
- 2018/04 - 2020/03 日本応用数理学会 日本応用数理学会論文誌編集委員 副委員長
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 日本応用数理学会 日本応用数理学会論文誌編集委員 幹事
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) Secretary Editor, Transactions of JSIAM
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Awards (5):
- 2023/07 - Paper Award in 2023, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- 2023/03 - Hiroshima City University Faculty award in education, 2022
- 2013/09 - Paper Award in 2013, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- 2008/04 - Talk Award in 2007, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- 2007/09 - Paper Award in 2007, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Association Membership(s) (4):
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
, Mathematical Society of Japan
, Mathematics Education Society in Japan
, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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