J-GLOBAL ID:202101013369703364
Update date: Jul. 30, 2024
Zuiki Masashi
ズイキ マサシ | Zuiki Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2023 - 2026 Elucidation of mechanisms of ventilator-associated brain injury in preterm infants using a new respiratory monitoring system
- 2017 - 2019 Luteolin attenuates interleukin-6-mediated astrogliosis in human iPSC-derived neural aggregates: A candidate preventive substance for maternal immune activation-induced abnormalities
- 2015 - 2018 Modeling the neural impact of maternal immune modulation using human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Papers (20):
Amane Matsuura, Takenori Tozawa, Masaharu Moroto, Yosuke Miyamoto, Yasuhiro Kawabe, Masashi Zuiki, Tatsuji Hasegawa, Taisei Kayaki, Naoko Yano, Takeshi Yoshida, et al. Alternating cerebral edema and arterial dilations in Molybdenum cofactor deficiency type-A. Journal of inherited metabolic disease. 2024
Masashi Zuiki, Mikito Ohta, Naoe Fujita, Daisuke Uda, Madoka Uesugi, Akio Yamano, Eisuke Ichise, Hidechika Morimoto, Kanae Hashiguchi, Daisuke Kinoshita, et al. The prediction of estimated cerebral perfusion pressure with trans-systolic time in preterm and term infants. European journal of pediatrics. 2024. 183. 6. 2587-2595
野木森智和, 瑞木匡, 太田幹人, 藤田尚江, 宇田大祐, 上杉まどか, 山野暁生, 一瀬栄佑, 森元英周, 橋口加名栄, 木下大介, 長谷川龍志, 家原知子. Resistance indexおよびPulsatility indexと, 脳灌流圧との関連について : 在胎32週以上の早産児と正期産児での比較. 2024
Shinichiro Tsurukawa, Masashi Zuiki, Yuki Naito, Kazumasa Kitamura, Utsuki Matsumura, Takuyo Kanayama, Eisuke Ichise, Go Horiguchi, Satoshi Teramukai, Hiroshi Komatsu. Oxygenation saturation index in neonatal hypoxemic respiratory failure. Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 2024. 66. 1. e15753
Rika Kume, Takuyo Kanayama, Masashi Zuiki, Yasuo Inoue, Hiroshi Komatsu. Pediatric subarachnoid hemorrhage and aneurysm caused by fibromuscular dysplasia. Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 2022. 64. 1. e14899
MISC (2):
瑞木 匡. 【要点まるごとマスター 新生児の「びじゅある」モニタリング】カプノメーター(呼気終末二酸化炭素分圧モニタ). with NEO. 2021. 34. 1. 42-50
金山拓誉, 瑞木匡, 茂原慶一, 橋口加名栄, 長谷川龍志, 徳田幸子, 中島久和, 細井創. 骨形成不全症に対して乳児期よりbisphosphonate定期投与を行っている2例について. 日本小児科学会雑誌. 2016. 120. 2. 481-481
Books (1):
診断と治療社 2017
Professional career (1):
Awards (1):
- 2016/06 - 日本小児神経学会 ICNC2016travel award
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