J-GLOBAL ID:202101013597879715
Update date: May. 17, 2024
Ueda Akira
ウエダ アキラ | Ueda Akira
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (7):
Digital Humanities
, Cotton
, Nomad
, Geographic Information System
, Uzbekistan
, Economic History
, Central Asia
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (6):
Akira Ueda. Demography in the Cotton-Producing Area of Kazakhstan Amid the Great Famine. Journal of Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies. 2021. 6. 43-49
Akira Ueda. The demographic and agricultural development of the Kokand oasis during the Russian Imperial era: nomad immigration and cotton monoculture. Central Asian Survey. 2019. 38. 4. 510-530
UEDA Akira. The reconstruction of cotton cultivation in the Ferghana region, 1917-1929. SOCIO-ECONOMIC HISTORY. 2016. 82. 2. 219-240
Akira Ueda. Economic Conditions in the Ferghana Valley during the Critical Years, 1917-1929. 2014. 2. 22-31
Akira Ueda. How did the Nomads Act during the 1916 Revolt in Russian Turkistan. Journal of Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies. 2013. 1. 33-43
MISC (11):
Akira Ueda. Historical Studies in Japan, 2022, Inner Asia, 2. Shigaku-Zasshi. 2023. 132. 5. 272-277
植田 暁. Q&Aセッション (インタビューで知る研究最前線(第2回)). アジア経済 = Quarterly journal of Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization. 2020. 61. 3. 89-96
植田 暁. 書評 藤澤潤著『ソ連のコメコン政策と冷戦 : エネルギー資源問題とグローバル化』. 社会経済史学 = Socio-economic history. 2020. 86. 2. 185-187
植田 暁. 塩谷哲史著, 『中央アジア灌漑史序説 : ラウザーン運河とヒヴァ・ハン国の興亡』, 風響社, 2014年2月刊, A5判, 304頁, 5,000円+税. 内陸アジア史研究. 2015. 30. 0. 89-90
植田暁. 海外研究動向 タシケント国際学術会議:中央アジア社会史への新たなアプローチ. 日本中央アジア学会報. 2014. 10. 49-52
Books (3):
近代中央アジアの綿花栽培と遊牧民 : GISによるフェルガナ経済史
北海道大学出版会 2020 ISBN:9784832968592
山川出版社 2019 ISBN:9784634672499
The family in Central Asia : new perspectives
K. Schwarz 2017 ISBN:9783879974566
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
(The Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies 59th Annual Conference 2019)
(北海道中央ユーラシア研究会 2017)
(史学会大会 公開シンポジウム 2015)
Ethno-demographic structure of Russian Turkistan: A historical GIS case study of Ferghana Province
(ANGIS and CRMA Bangkok meeting 2015 2015)
Education (1):
- 2008 - 2017 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Professional career (3):
- 博士(文学) (東京大学)
- 修士(文学) (東京大学)
- 学士(文学) (東京大学)
Work history (3):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Japan External Trade Organization, Institute of Developing Economies
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University Slavic Research Center
- 2012/04 - 2014/03 Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of History
Awards (2):
- 2018 - The Socio-Economic History Society 社会経済史学会賞 The reconstruction of cotton cultivation in the Ferghana region, 1917-1929
- 2013 - SOCIETY OF INNER ASIAN STUDIES 内陸アジア史学会学会賞 Socio-Economic Changes among Kyrgyz Nomads under Tsarist Russia : The Spread of Rain-fed Cultivation in Ferghana Province
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 社会経済史学会
, 日本中央アジア学会
, 史学会
, 内陸アジア史学会
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