J-GLOBAL ID:202101014541650371
Update date: Jun. 19, 2024
Kumagai Satoru
クマガイ サトル | Kumagai Satoru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Local studies
, Economic statistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2022 - 2026 Studies for the Wider Economic Benefits by Spatial Computable General Equilibrium
- 2019 - 2023 競争的権威主義からの民主化:マレーシア政権交代の政治経済学
- 2017 - 2020 Regional Economic Integration and Economic Development-Comparative Study of Malaysia and Vietnam
- 2013 - 2018 Economic Development and Political Transformation in the Emerging States
- 2013 - 2017 The Middle Income Trap from the Viewpoint of Trade Data: A Case of Malaysia
Papers (14):
Satoru Kumagai. Spatial Aspect of Global Value Chain in East Asia: How Ports and Airports Shape Industrial Clusters in East Asia. Economies. 2024
Tadateru Hayashi, Satoru Kumagai, Sanchita Basu Das, Manbar Singh Khadka, Ikumo Isono, Souknilanh Keola, Kenmei Tsubota, Kazunobu Hayakawa. Analysis of the Economic Impact of Improved Connectivity in Nepal. Journal of Asian Economic Integration. 2023. 5. 2. 145-166
Satoru Kumagai, Toshitaka Gokan, Kenmei Tsubota, Ikumo Isono, Kazunobu Hayakawa. Economic Impacts of the US-China Trade War on the Asian Economy: An Applied Analysis of IDE-GSM. Journal of Asian Economic Integration. 2021. 263168462110322-263168462110322
Satoru Kumagai, Kenmei Tsubota. Economic Potentials of Road Infrastructure Developments in and around the North Eastern Region. Northeast India and Japan: Engagement through Connectivity. 2021. 100-126
Kazunobu Hayakawa, Ikumo Isono, Satoru Kumagai. Transportation Costs in Archipelagos: Evidence from Indonesia. Developing Economies. 2020. 58. 3. 227-241
MISC (10):
熊谷, 聡, 早川, 和伸, 後閑, 利隆, 磯野, 生茂, ケオラ, スックニラン, 坪田, 建明, 久保, 裕也. 「デカップリング」が世界経済に与える影響--IDE-GSMによる分析. IDE スクエア -- 世界を見る眼. 2023. 1-8
Satoru Kumagai. Comments on “Economic Reforms in the Aftermath of Regime Change in Malaysia”. Asian Economic Policy Review. 2020. 15. 2. 260-261
Ikumo Isono, Satoru Kumagai. Economic Impacts of Improved Connectivity for ASEAN: An Application of the Geographical Simulation Model. Asian Economic Policy Review. 2016. 11. 2. 290-306
Masahisa Fujita, Ikuo Kuroiwa, Satoru Kumagai. Introduction. The Economics of East Asian Integration: A Comprehensive Introduction to Regional Issues. 2011. 1-14
Masahisa Fujita, Ikuo Kuroiwa, Satoru Kumagai. Preface. The Economics of East Asian Integration: A Comprehensive Introduction to Regional Issues. 2011
Books (14):
マレーシアに学ぶ経済発展戦略 : 「中所得国の罠」を克服するヒント
作品社 2023 ISBN:9784867930038
明石書店 2023 ISBN:9784750356396
変質するグローバル化と世界経済秩序の行方 : 米中対立とウクライナ危機による新たな構図
文眞堂 2023 ISBN:9784830952319
ポスト・マハティール時代のマレーシア : 政治と経済はどう変わったか
アジア経済研究所 2018 ISBN:9784258046348
日本評論社 2017 ISBN:9784535558861
Education (3):
- 2002 - 2004 London School of Economics and Political Science Department of Economics
- 1994 - 1996 Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance
- 1990 - 1994 Keio University Faculty of Policy Management
Awards (1):
- 2024/02 - 大平正芳記念財団 第40回大平正芳記念賞 マレーシアに学ぶ経済発展戦略-「中所得国の罠」を克服するヒント
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