J-GLOBAL ID:202101017944472596   Update date: Feb. 18, 2025

Hirano Hiroshi

Hirano Hiroshi
Papers (5):
  • Shiho Kuwashiro, Yoshiro Hatanaka, Kousaku Tao, Seiji Higashi, Keitaro Kago, Hiroshi Hirano, Hajime Kishi. Higher order structures and toughening mechanisms for simultaneously polymerized polymethacrylate/polyurethane. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2024. 141. 19
  • Lance O’Hari P. Go, Mohamed Mehawed Abdellatif, Ryoji Makino, Daisuke Shimoyama, Seiji Higashi, Hiroshi Hirano, Kotohiro Nomura. Synthesis of Network Biobased Aliphatic Polyesters Exhibiting Better Tensile Properties than the Linear Polymers by ADMET Polymerization in the Presence of Glycerol Tris(undec-10-enoate). Polymers. 2024. 16. 4
  • Mika Kojima, Xiuxiu Wang, Lance O’Hari P. Go, Ryoji Makino, Yuichi Matsumoto, Daisuke Shimoyama, Mohamed Mehawed Abdellatif, Joji Kadota, Seiji Higashi, Hiroshi Hirano, et al. Synthesis of High Molecular Weight Biobased Aliphatic Polyesters Exhibiting Tensile Properties Beyond Polyethylene. ACS Macro Letters. 2023. 1403-1408
  • Kousaku Tao, Koji Yamada, Seiji Higashi, Keitaro Kago, Shiho Kuwashiro, Hiroshi Hirano, Hiroki Takeshita, Katsuhisa Tokumitsu. Effect of molding history on molecular orientation relaxation during physical aging of polystyrene injection moldings. INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING. 2023. 38. 2. 233-243
  • Lijuan Guo, Ryoji Makino, Daisuke Shimoyama, Joji Kadota, Hiroshi Hirano, Kotohiro Nomura. Synthesis of Ethylene/Isoprene Copolymers Containing Cyclopentane/Cyclohexane Units as Unique Elastomers by Half-Titanocene Catalysts. Macromolecules. 2023. 56. 3. 899-914
MISC (10):
  • 桑城 志帆, 垰 幸作, 畠中 芳郎, 東 青史, 籠 恵太郎, 平野 寛, 岸 肇. 同時重合メタクリル/ウレタンポリマーブレンドの高次構造形成機構-Formation mechanisms of higher order structures of simultaneously polymerized methacrylate/urethane polymer blends. Journal of network polymer, Japan = ネットワークポリマー論文集. 2024. 45. 4. 193-199
  • 小林夏実, 小峰伸之, 平野寛, 平野雅文. Catalytic Synthesis of L-Lactates from Poly-L-lactic Acid as the Chiral Building-Block. 日本化学会春季年会講演予稿集(Web). 2023. 103rd
  • 桑城志帆, 垰幸作, 畠中芳郎, 籠恵太郎, 東青史, 平野寛, 岸肇. Toughening mechanism of simultaneously polymerized methacrylic / urethane polymer blends. 日本接着学会年次大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2023. 61st
  • 岡田哲周, 門多丈治, 平野寛, 上利泰幸. Effect of Modification by Using Silane Coupling Agent on Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Resin Composite Filled with Boron Nitride (h-BN) Particles. 科学と工業. 2022. 96. 9
  • 中山敦好, 山野尚子, 川崎典起, 日野彰大, 大本貴士, 平野寛, 山中勇人, 神澤岳史, 松本正, 宗綱洋人, et al. 瀬戸内海各地における水質と生分解性プラスチックの海洋生分解性との関係. 瀬戸内海研究フォーラム. 2022. 2022
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