J-GLOBAL ID:202101019150580044
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024
Akaeda Naoki
アカエダ ナオキ | Akaeda Naoki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Papers (11):
Naoki Akaeda. Welfare States and the Health Impact of Social Capital: Focusing on the Crowding-Out and Crowding-In Perspectives. Social Indicators Research. 2021. 157. 3. 841-862
Naoki Akaeda. Contextual Social Trust and Well-Being Inequality: From the Perspectives of Education and Income. Journal of Happiness Studies. 2020. 21. 8. 2957-2979
A Reexamination of Population Potential as an Urbanism Scale. 2014. 45. 2. 249-265
Akaeda Naoki. Examinations of Urban Alienations in Japan. 2013. 34. 125-139
AKAEDA Naoki. Toward the Establishment of New Urbanism Scale:Focus on the Distance and the Travel Time. The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology. 2013. 2013. 31. 77-93
MISC (4):
赤枝 尚樹. 書評に応えて. ソシオロジ. 2016. 61. 2. 142-146
赤枝 尚樹. “Social Contacts of Older People in 27 European Countries: The Role of Welfare Spending and Economic Inequality”, Lea Ellwardt, Sacha Peter, Patrick Präg and Nardi Steverink, European Sociological Review, 30(4):413-430, 2014. 理論と方法. 2015. 30. 2. 351-351
赤枝 尚樹. 書評 『社会調査のための統計学』神林博史・三輪哲著. 理論と方法. 2012. 27. 1. 192-194
Book reviews: A new developmeny of game theory from deonic logical method: Martin Van Hees, 'Rights and Decisions: Formal Model of Law and Liberalism. Annals of human sciences. 2007. 28. 129-134
Books (2):
変わりゆく日本人のネットワーク : ICT普及期における社会関係の変化
勁草書房 2018 ISBN:9784326603015
現代日本における都市メカニズム : 都市の計量社会学
ミネルヴァ書房 2015 ISBN:9784623071968
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