J-GLOBAL ID:202101019654003331   Update date: Aug. 28, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (1): earthquake, tsunami, Nankai trough, hypocentre determination, crustal structure, controlled source seismology, seismic Interferometry, DAS, N-net
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2019 - 2023 Actovity of slow earthquakes in the Tokai region based on analog seismograms
  • 2011 - 2014 Integrated seismic experiments with active and passive sources for revealing the crustal structure of the collision / subduction transition zone on the northwestern border of the Izu arc
  • 2011 - 2014 Study on slip property of the slow earthquake source region in the transition zone on the subducting plate interface
  • 2010 - 2012 Mapping of seismogenic source faults based on geologic structure
Papers (43):
  • FUJIWARA Akira, WATANABE Toshiki, HIGASHINAKA Motonori, ABE Susumu, ITO Tanio, KANO Ken'ichi, SATO Go, ABE Shintaro, TSUMURA Noriko, IWASAKI Takaya, et al. Crustal Structure of the Northwestern Border of the Izu Collision Zone from the Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone to the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan: Outcomes of Integrated Seismic Exploration FIST2012. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi). 2024. 133. 1. 23-48
  • Shin Aoi, Tetsuya Takeda, Takashi Kunugi, Masanao Shinohara, Takayuki Miyoshi, Kenji Uehira, Masashi Mochizuki, Narumi Takahashi. Development and Construction of Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis: N-net. 2023 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT). 2023
  • Y. Sheng, A. Mordret, F. Brenguier, P. Boué, F. Vernon, T. Takeda, Y. Aoki, T. Taira, Y. Ben-Zion. Seeking Repeating Anthropogenic Seismic Sources: Implications for Seismic Velocity Monitoring at Fault Zones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2022. 128. 1
  • USUDA Yuta, IIDAKA Takashi, KURASHIMO Eiji, IGARASHI Toshihiro, OBARA Kazushige, KATO Aitaro, SAKAI Shinichi, NAKAGAWA Shigeki, TAKEDA Tetsuya. Imaging of S Wave Reflection Boundaries in the Crust Obtained from a Dense Seismic Array at the Northern Part of Ibaraki and Iwaki Area. Zisin (Journal of the Seismological Society of Japan. 2nd ser.). 2022. 75. 125-143
  • Kengo Shimojo, Bogdan Enescu, Yuji Yagi, Tetsuya Takeda. Nucleation process of the 2011 northern Nagano earthquake from nearby seismic observations. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
MISC (132):
  • TAKANO Tomoya, TAKANO Tomoya, BRENGUIER Florent, BOUE Pierre, TAKAGI Ryota, SAWAZAKI Kaoru, TAKEDA Tetsuya, AOKI Yosuke, NISHIDA Kiwamu. Seismic interferometry analyses of teleseismic coda waves on a dense network of permanent ocean bottom seismometers (S-net) offshore Honshu, Japan. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2020. 2020
  • 西澤あずさ, 田中佐千子, ヤノ エリザベストモコ, 武田哲也, 澤崎郁, 木村武志, 淺野陽一, 鈴木亘, 功刀卓, 青井真. Northern Osaka Prefecture Earthquake on June 18, 2018. 主要災害調査. 2020. 54
  • 飯高隆, 酒井慎一, 五十嵐俊博, 小原一成, 加藤愛太郎, 武田哲也, 中川茂樹. いわき地域における地殻内反射面と地震活動との関係. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2019. 2019
  • 汐見勝彦, 武田哲也, 上野友岳. 四国におけるモホ面の特徴と深部低周波地震活動. 日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 2019
  • 飯高隆, 酒井慎一, 五十嵐俊博, 小原一成, 加藤愛太郎, 武田哲也, 中川茂樹. いわき地域における地殻内反射面と地震活動. 日本地震学会秋季大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 2019
Lectures and oral presentations  (17):
  • A new seafloor cable-type observation network in the western half of the anticipated Nankai Trough earthquake source area: N-net
    (XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023)
  • System Design of Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (N-net) and its Long-Term Reliability
    (XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023)
  • Field evaluation of newly developed MEMS technology silicon resonant sensor for seafloor pressure observation
    (XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023)
  • Nankai Trough Seafloor Observation Network for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (N-net): Contribution to Early Detection of Seismic Waves and Tsunamis
    (XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023)
  • Preliminary study of tectonic tremor location using analog seismograms on recording paper of the Kanto-Tokai Observation Network
    (XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 2023)
Education (3):
  • 1997 - 2001 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 1995 - 1997 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Physics
  • 1991 - 1995 Kyushu University School of Sciences Department of Physics
Professional career (3):
  • 博士(理学) (東京大学)
  • 修士(理学) (東京大学)
  • 学士(理学) (九州大学)
Work history (11):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
  • 2020/12 - 2023/03 科学技術・学術政策研究所 客員研究官
  • 2017/04 - 2018/03 MEXT
  • 2016/04 - 2017/03 文部科学省 研究開発局地震・防災研究課防災科学技術推進室 行政調査員(出向)
  • 2009/07 - 2017/03 独立行政法人防災科学技術研究所 主任研究員
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Committee career (4):
  • 2018/07 - 現在 公益財団法人地震予知総合研究振興会 「長岡平野西縁断層帯の地震活動性に関する調査研究」研究委員会委員
  • 2018/08 - 2019/03 公益財団法人未来工学研究所 「科学技術の中長期的発展と将来社会像に関する調査」における「宇宙・海洋・地球・科学基盤分科会」委員
  • 2012/04 - 2014/03 公益社団法人日本地震学会 理事(学会情報誌編集担当)
  • 2010/02 - 2014/03 地震調査委員会長期評価部会活断層分科会 委員
Association Membership(s) (3):
AGU ,  日本地球惑星科学連合 ,  日本地震学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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