J-GLOBAL ID:202101020008684760
Update date: Aug. 19, 2022
Otani Hiroshi
Otani Hiroshi
Research field (1):
Nuclear engineering
MISC (5):
Otani Hiroshi, Mizui Hiroyuki, Higashiura Norikazu, Bando Fumio*, Endo Nobuyuki*, Yamagishi Ryuichiro*, Kume Kyo*. Analytical surveillance on production methods of homogeneous and uniform solid materials from spent ion exchange residuum after ion coupled plasma volume-reduction process. Heisei-25-Nendo Koeki Zaidan Hojin Wakasawan Enerugi Kenkyu Senta kenkyu Nempo, 16. 2014. 66
Otani Hiroshi, Bando Fumio*, Endo Nobuyuki*. Analytical surveillance of the nuclear waste package processing of the spent ion-exchange resin residual. Heisei-24-Nendo Koeki Zaidan Hojin Wakasawan Enerugi Kenkyu Senta kenkyu Nempo, 15. 2013. 89
Kutsuna Hideki, Otani Hiroshi, Nakamura Yasuyuki. Document collection of the 25th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning. JAEA-Review 2012-025. 2012. 30
Otani Hiroshi, Matsushima Akira, Mori Naoto, Kutsuna Hideki, Higashiura Norikazu. Document collection of the 24th Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning. JAEA-Review 2011-041. 2012. 55
Otani Hiroshi, Hayashi Hirokazu, Kawagoe Shinji, Hamada Nobuyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki. Document collection of the 23rd Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning. JAEA-Review 2011-026. 2011. 41
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
Basic test for making waste package for spent resin disposal, 1; Volume reduction and stabilization process by low pressure oxygen plasma process for spent resin
Basic test for making Waste package for Spent resin disposal
Examination of decommissioning safety of research reactor (study of prototype reactor), 36; Decommissioning guidance system, 3
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