J-GLOBAL ID:202101020578990709   Update date: Aug. 16, 2024

Hashimoto Hidehiko

ハシモト ヒデヒコ | Hashimoto Hidehiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant professor
Research field  (2): Cell biology ,  Developmental biology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2023 - 2025 ホヤ胚の神経管閉鎖ジッパリングを駆動するメカノケミカルフィードバック
  • 2022 - 2024 細胞間接着の破壊を介した新しいメカノセンシング機構の解明
Papers (4):
  • Hidehiko Hashimoto, Edwin Munro. Differential Expression of a Classic Cadherin Directs Tissue-Level Contractile Asymmetry during Neural Tube Closure. Developmental cell. 2019. 51. 2. 158-172
  • Hidehiko Hashimoto, Edwin Munro. Dynamic interplay of cell fate, polarity and force generation in ascidian embryos. Current opinion in genetics & development. 2018. 51. 67-77
  • Hidehiko Hashimoto, Francois B Robin, Kristin M Sherrard, Edwin M Munro. Sequential contraction and exchange of apical junctions drives zippering and neural tube closure in a simple chordate. Developmental cell. 2015. 32. 2. 241-55
  • Hidehiko Hashimoto, Takashi Enomoto, Gaku Kumano, Hiroki Nishida. The transcription factor FoxB mediates temporal loss of cellular competence for notochord induction in ascidian embryos. Development (Cambridge, England). 2011. 138. 12. 2591-600
MISC (1):
  • 橋本秀彦. 【形態形成の統合的理解】ホヤ胚の神経管閉鎖ジッパリンにおける力学機構. 生体の科学. 2022. 73. 4. 353-358
Lectures and oral presentations  (22):
  • Dynamic separation of cell-cell contacts induces RhoA and Myosin activity to drive zippering and neural tube closure in a simple chordate
    (The 12th International Tunicate Meeting 2024)
  • Dynamic separation of cell-cell contacts induces RhoA and Myosin activity to drive zippering and neural tube closure in a simple
    (The 76th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Cell Biology 2024)
  • Dynamic separation of cell-cell contacts induces RhoA and Myosin activity to drive zippering and neural tube closure in a simple chordate
    (The 57th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Developmental Biology 2024)
  • Dynamic separation of cell-cell contacts induces RhoA and Myosin activity to drive zippering and neural tube closure in a simple chordate
    (The 82nd Society for Developmental Biology. Illinois, Chicago, USA. 2023)
  • Dynamic integration of signaling, force generation and tissue remodeling control zippering and neural tube closure
    (The 11th International Tunicate Meeting. Kobe. Japan 2022)
Education (3):
  • 2008 - 2011 Osaka University Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
  • 2004 - 2006 Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Marine Science and Technology
  • 2000 - 2004 Tokyo University of Fisheries
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Science (Osaka University)
Work history (4):
  • 2022/05 - 現在 Japan Science and Technology Agency
  • 2022/05 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences assistant professor
  • 2016/09 - 2022/04 University of Chicago Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Edwin Munro lab Research Professional
  • 2011/09 - 2016/09 University of Chicago Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, Edwin Munro lab Postdoctoral Researcher
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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