J-GLOBAL ID:202101020945351050   Update date: Apr. 18, 2024

Hisa Hiroaki

ヒサ ヒロアキ | Hisa Hiroaki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Pharmacology
Research keywords  (1): renal sympathetic nervous system and renal injury
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (16):
  • 2002 - 2004 Drug development by signal transduction therapy in the ischemic brain injury.
  • 1999 - 2000 副腎におけるコリン作動性神経伝達の解析系の確立
  • 1998 - 1999 L並びにN型カルシウムチャネル拮抗作用を併有する降圧薬の開発に関する薬理学的研究
  • 1998 - 1999 Development of the dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase as the drugs of chronic heart failure
  • 1998 - 1998 内因性アセチルコリンに誘起される副腎カテコールアミン分泌の解析システムの構築
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Papers (92):
  • Shiba Tatsuo, Totoribe Naoko, Gamoh Shuji, Yokota Atsuko, Nakamura Eisaku, Kuwabara Masachika, Hisa Hiroaki, Yamamoto Ryuichi. The effect of M-1, a major metabolite of sarpogrelate, on 5-hydroxytryptamine-mediated vasoconstriction in isolated human internal thoracic artery. Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2019. 92. 1-P-067
  • Masahiro Ohsawa, Kei-Ichiro Ishikura, Junpei Mutoh, Hiroaki Hisa. Involvement of inhibition of RhoA/Rho kinase signaling in simvastatin-induced amelioration of neuropathic pain. Neuroscience. 2016. 333. 204-13
  • Masahiro Ohsawa, Junpei Mutoh, Shohei Yamamoto, Hiroaki Hisa. Involvement of protein isoprenylation in neuropathic pain induced by sciatic nerve injury in mice. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 2014. 564. 27-31
  • Junpei Mutoh, Masahiro Ohsawa, Hiroaki Hisa. Involvement of renal sympathetic nerve activation on the progression of ischemic acute kidney injury in the mouse. Journal of pharmacological sciences. 2014. 125. 4. 415-21
  • Shuji Gamoh, Hiroaki Hisa, Ryuichi Yamamoto. 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors as targets for drug therapies of vascular-related diseases. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2013. 36. 9. 1410-1415
MISC (9):
  • Tasuku Kanai, Shuji Gamoh, Naoko Totoribe, Masachika Kuwabara, Eisaku Nakamura, Hiroaki Hisa, Ryuichi Yamamoto. Exendin-4, a glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, inhibits 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced vasocontraction in the isolated human endothelium-denuded saphenous vein. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2013. 121. 204P-204P
  • Tasuku Kanai, Masachika Kuwabara, Naoko Totoribe, Yasuko Matsuo, Eisaku Nakamura, Shuji Gamoh, Akito Suzuki, Yujiro Asada, Hiroaki Hisa, Ryuichi Yamamoto. Internalization of the plasma membrane 5-hydroxytryptamine2A (5-HT2A) receptor Induced by insulin in the isolated human endothelium-denuded saphenous vein. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2012. 118. 83P-83P
  • Tasuku Kanai, Yasuko Matuo, Naoko Tanaka, Masachika Kuwabara, Eisaku Nakamura, Hiroaki Hisa, Ryuichi Yamamoto. Insulin-induced NO-independent vasodilation in the human endothelium-denuded saphenous vein. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2011. 115. 107P-107P
  • Naoko Tanaka, Tasuku Kanai, Yasuko Matsuo, Masachika Kuwabara, Eisaku Nakamura, Kunihide Nakamura, Yujiro Asada, Hiroaki Hisa, Ryuichi Yamamoto. Relative contributions of Rho-kinase to the constrictions of human isolated internal thoracic artery and saphenous vein. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2010. 112. 85P-85P
  • Junpei Mutoh, Masahiro Ohsawa, Hiroaki Hisa. An opioid kappa receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine improves ischemia/reperfusion-induced renal dysfunction in mice. JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2009. 109. 197P-197P
Books (7):
  • 日本薬学会編スタンダード薬学シリーズ6 薬と疾病IA.薬の効くプロセス(1)薬理第2版「第2章概説、SBO32~34」
    東京化学同人 2009
  • パートナー機能形態学「泌尿器系」
    南江堂 2008
  • 新薬理学テキスト第2版「心臓血管系作用薬」
    廣川書店 2008
  • 新しい機能形態学第2版「消化器」
    廣川書店 2007
  • 新しい機能形態学「消化器」
    廣川書店 2005
Education (1):
  • 東北大学大学院薬学研究科博士課程後期課程修了
Professional career (1):
  • 薬学博士 (東北大学)
Awards (3):
  • 2000/07 - 平成11年度宮田専治学術振興会学術賞「腎臓機能調節機構のin vivo解析とその薬効評価への応用」
  • 1997/03 - 平成8年度薬学研究奨励財団研究助成「ウサギ生体位腎における腎機能調節機構の解析:体液性因子の相互連関」
  • 1993/12 - 平成5年度日本薬学会東北支部奨励賞「心房性ナトリウム利尿ペプチドの腎機能修飾作用」
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本薬学会会員 ,  日本薬理学会学術評議員 ,  日本薬理学会会員
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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