J-GLOBAL ID:202102217681818698   Reference number:21A1963511

Decoding first complete chloroplast genome of toothbrush tree ( Salvadora persica L.): insight into genome evolution, sequence divergence and phylogenetic relationship within Brassicales

歯ブラシ木(Salvadora persica L.)の最初の完全な葉緑体ゲノムの解読:アブラナ属内のゲノム進化,配列分岐および系統発生関係への洞察【JST・京大機械翻訳】
Author (5):
Volume: 22  Issue:Page: 1-16  Publication year: 2021 
JST Material Number: U7048A  ISSN: 1471-2164  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United Kingdom (GBR)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Salvadora persica L. (Toothbru...
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Structure and chemistry of genes 
Reference (94):
  • Kubitzki K. Salvadoraceae. Flowering Plants· Dicotyledons. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 342-4.
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  • J Med Plants Res; Ethnomedicinal and ethnoecological evaluation of Salvadora persica L.: a threatened medicinal plant in Arabian peninsula; H Sher, M Al-Yemeni, YS Masrahi, AH Shah; 4; 2010; 1209-1215; citation_id=CR4
  • Wastelands News; A useful plant for coastal saline soils; E Iyenger, J Patolia, J Chikara; 32; 1992; 50-51; citation_id=CR5

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