J-GLOBAL ID:202102261574360185   Reference number:21A0364157

Long-term/Wide-area Flood Forecasting and Social Implementation Using Ensemble Forecasting

Author (3):
Issue: 894  Page: 86-92  Publication year: Jan. 20, 2021 
JST Material Number: G0117A  ISSN: 0287-9859  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Hydrology in general  ,  Hydroelectric power generation 
Reference (6):
  • 中北英一:アンサンブル予測のもつ意味と役割,河川, no.12, pp.72-76,2020.
  • 日野幹雄:水文流出系予測へのカルマン・フィルター理論の適用,土木学会論文報告集,221号,pp. 39-47,1974.
  • 宝 馨,高棹琢馬,椎葉充晴:洪水流出の確率予測における実際的手法,第28回水理講演会論文集,pp. 415-422,1984.
  • 角哲也,加納茂紀,道広有理:長時間アンサンブル降雨予測を用いたダム操作のパラダイムシフト,河川,no.1,pp.78-85,2021.
  • Takahiro Sayama, Masafumi Yamada, Yoshito Sugawara, Dai Yamazaki: Ensemble Flash Flood Predictions Using a High-Resolution Nationwide Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model: Case Study of the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 and Typhoon Hagibis in 2019, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 75, 2020.

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