J-GLOBAL ID:202102288439939743   Reference number:21A0219907

Record of the endangered species Neopyropia tenera (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) at the tidal flat of Koajiro Bay, Kanagawa Prefecture

Author (5):
Issue: 24  Page: 6-11  Publication year: Dec. 30, 2020 
JST Material Number: F2285A  ISSN: 2433-9342  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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On J-GLOBAL, this item will be available after more than half a year after the record posted. In addtion, medical articles require to login to MyJ-GLOBAL.

JST classification (3):
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Plant taxonomy  ,  Plant ecology  ,  Seaweeds 
Reference (16):
  • Fujiyoshi, E. and Kikuchi, N., 2006. Growth of excised pieces containing elongated denticles from the lower marginal parts of Porphyra tanegashimensis and P. haitanensis gametophytes. Bull. Fish. Res. Agen.. (16): 9-13.
  • 環境省, 2015. レッドデータブック2014 9 植物 II (蘇苔類・藻類・地衣類・菌類). 580pp. ぎょうせい, 東京.
  • 菊地則雄・藤吉栄次・玉城泉也・二羽恭介・小林正裕・寺田竜太・吉田忠生, 2012. 絶滅危惧種アサクサノリの生育地. 藻類, 60: 105.
  • 菊地則雄・二羽恭介, 2006. 東京湾多摩川河口干潟における絶滅危惧種アサクサノリ(紅藻)の生育状況とその形態. 藻類, 54: 149-156.
  • 岸 由二, 1994. 小網代の生物相 (中間集計).慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 自然科学, (15): 99-116.

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