J-GLOBAL ID:202201006215227390
Update date: Nov. 08, 2024
ナカノ ユウコ | NAKANO YUKO
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2022 - 2026 Rice Green Revolution in sub-Saharan Africa: Roles of Irrigation Investment and Cultivation Training
- 2022 - 2026 Institutional Innovation for sustainable mechanical rental service for resource poor farmers
- 2021 - 2026 How can we increase the income of refugees? Evidence from randomized control trial for South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
- 2022 - 2026 Institutional Innovation for sustainable mechanical rental service for resource poor farmers
- 2022 - 2026 African Rice Green Revolution: Role of the Irrigation and Management Training
- 2021 - 2026 Impact of small-package fertilizer sale on the adoption of micro-dose fertilization technology and the productivity of rice farming: Evidence from Madagascar
- 2020 - 2025 なぜ一見有望な農業技術が広まらないか?大規模ランダム化比較試験からの知見
- 2016 - 2021 The position of "Green Revolution" in the economic development of sub-Saharan Africa: comparisons with Asia
- 2016 - 2020 The impact of agricultural training and the effectiveness of farmer-to-farmer training in Tanzania
- 2014 - 2016 タンザニアにおける「緑の革命」の実現可能性とその方策
- 2011 - 2015 The Progress of Green Revolution and Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Evaluation of Policies Using Panel Data
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Papers (12):
Magezi Eustadius Francis, Nakano Yuko, Sakurai Takeshi. Determinants of Mechanization in Rice Production in Tanzania:Evidence from Panel Data. Japanese Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2021. 23. 77-82
Yuko Nakano, Eustadius F. Magezi. The impact of microcredit on agricultural technology adoption and productivity: Evidence from randomized control trial in Tanzania. WORLD DEVELOPMENT. 2020. 133
Eustadius Francis Magezi, Nakano Yuko. The Impact of Microcredit on Household Income: The Case of BRAC in Tanzania. Japanese Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2020. 22. 129-134
Muhammad Fawad Khan, Yuko Nakano, Takashi Kurosaki. Impact of contract farming on land productivity and income of maize and potato growers in Pakistan. FOOD POLICY. 2019. 85. 28-39
中野 優子. タンザニアの稲作農業の発展. 国民経済雑誌. 2019. 219巻. 21-34
MISC (5):
Yuko Nakano. Book Review: Agricultural Development: New Perspectives in a Changing World. The Developing Economies. 2021
中野 優子. アフリカにおける緑の革命にむけて. 経済セミナー. 2018. 32-36
State of the art : evaluation of carbon, nitrogen and water cycling in natural and agro ecosystems in field to global scale(5)Methods for interview survey in rural Japan and developing countries. 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 = Japanese journal of soil science and plant nutrition. 2017. 88. 5. 465-470
KATAYANAGI Nobuko, LEON Ai, NAKANO Yuko, OBARA Hiroshi, KIMURA Sonoko D. Seminar report: The 8 th meeting for field monitoring and evaluation of agricultural impact on environment: Utilize interview data for evaluation of agricultural impact on environment. Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2016. 87. 2. 163-166
中野 優子. アフリカにおける緑の革命. アジ研ワールドトレンド. 2015
Books (2):
In Pursuit of an African Green Revolution Views from Rice and Maize Farmers' Fields
Springer 2016 ISBN:9789400757608
An African Green Revolution Finding Ways to Boost Productivity on Small Farms
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
Can smallholder farmers benefit from mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Rice farming in Tanzania
(31st Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists 2021)
Can smallholder farmers benefit from mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Rice farming in Tanzania
(日本経済学会2021年度春季大会 2021)
The Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Randomized Control Trial in Tanzania
(日本経済学会2019年度春季大会 2019)
Social Learning in Technology Adoption: Spatial Econometric Analyses of Rice Farmers in Tanzania
(Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2017)
Is Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Effective? The Impact of Training on Technology Adoption and Rice Farming Productivity in Tanzania
(Annual conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics 2017)
Association Membership(s) (4):
International Association of Agricultural Economists
, 開発経済学会
, 日本経済学会
, 日本農業経済学会
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