Job title:
Project Research Fellow
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2023 - 2026 ストレス状況下における感情ダイナミクスの解明:EMA手法に基づく実証的研究
Papers (7):
Mika Omori, Noriko Aizawa, Yoko Yamazaki. Job-Search Behaviors During Involuntary Unemployment: A Social Cognitive Approach. Journal of Career Development. 2023. 50. 4. 965-976
合澤 典子. 進学校高校生の学業における心理的ストレス過程 : 潜在成長モデルによる継時的変化の検討-Preparatory High School Students' Psychological Stress Processes in Academic Situations : Analysis of Longitudinal Changes Using Latent Growth Model-特集 学校メンタルヘルスと研究論理. 学校メンタルヘルス = Journal of school mental health. 2022. 25. 1. 65-75
Noriko Aizawa, Mika Omori. The mediating effect of cognitive appraisal on the relationship between sleep habits and the stress response among Japanese female college students. BMC psychology. 2021. 9. 1. 100-100
Mika Omori, Yoko Yamazaki, Noriko Aizawa, Piyanjali de Zoysa. Thin-ideal internalization and body dissatisfaction in Sri Lankan adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology. 2017. 22. 14. 1830-1840
AIZAWA, Noriko, ISHIDA, Chiaki. Report on “The survey of the education and research environment for Ochanomizu University’ s graduate students in 2017. 2017. 8. 64-70
Wang, Y, Aizawa, N, Omori, M. Emotional Eating “Profiles” and their Impacts on Physical and Psychological Outcomes. The Asian International Conference on Psychology, International Workshop on Health and Well-being, Miyagi, Tohoku Univ. 2024
Omori, M, Aizawa, N, Kayo, A, Sone, S, Ushiku, Y, Yabana, T, Himori, N, Nakazawa, T. Identification of psychosocial factors associated with treatment adherence for glaucoma. 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bremen, Germany. 2023
Omori, M, Aizawa, N, Yamazaki, Y. An EMA investigation of appearance-related stress in young women. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) 2023, Belgium. 2023
Adherence to glaucoma management: The application of Health Belief Model.
(38th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society 2024)
Factors inhibiting Japanese university students’ help-seeking from mental health professionals: Focusing on cultural self-construal and shame.
(The 2nd Thailand International Conference of psychology (TICP2023) 2023)
Factors inhibiting weight gain due to emotional eating in Japanese adults: Effects of emotion regulation, mindful eating, and self-control (2023 Single Presenter Submission).
(2023 Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2023)
Effects of optimistic and defensive pessimistic expectations on coping processes under academic pressure (OR26-12-5, Personality).
(The 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2016)