J-GLOBAL ID:202201019319107111
Update date: Jan. 18, 2025
Seki Yoshichika
Seki Yoshichika
Research keywords (3):
, 中性子位相計測
, 中性子基礎物理
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2020 - 2023 量子ビームトライボオペランド分析によるストライベック曲線のナノスケール学的再整理
- 2015 - 2016 飛行時間測定と偏極ビーム利用による中性子線Talbot-Lau干渉計の高度化
- 2012 - 2015 Development of multilayer neutron interferometer for measurement of gravitationally induced phase
- 2008 - 2009 微小相互作用測定のための精密冷中性子干渉光学系の開発
Papers (57):
Atsushi Momose, Pouria Zangi, Pascal Meyer, Martin Börner, Shinji Kobayashi, Yichen Fang, Ryosuke Ueda, Yoshichika Seki. Signal enhancement in X-ray Talbot interferometry with a pair of concave and convex parabolic phase gratings. Applied Physics Express. 2024. 17. 12. 122003-122003
Takuhiro Fujiie, Masahiro Hino, Takuya Hosobata, Go Ichikawa, Masaaki Kitaguchi, Kenji Mishima, Yoshichika Seki, Hirohiko M. Shimizu, Yutaka Yamagata. Development of Neutron Interferometer Using Multilayer Mirrors and Measurements of Neutron-Nuclear Scattering Length with Pulsed Neutron Source. Physical Review Letters. 2024. 132. 2
Yoshichika Seki, Takenao Shinohara, Masahiro Hino, Riichiro Nakamura, Tetsuo Samoto, Atsushi Momose. Neutron phase imaging by a Talbot-Lau interferometer at Kyoto University Reactor. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2023. 94. 10
N. Muto, H. Abele, T. Ariga, J. Bosina, M. Hino, K. Hirota, G. Ichikawa, T. Jenke, H. Kawahara, S. Kawasaki, et al. A novel nuclear emulsion detector for measurement of quantum states of ultracold neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field. Journal of Instrumentation. 2022. 17. 07. P07014-P07014
Takanori Mogi, Takuro Hasegawa, Katsuya Hirota, Go Ichikawa, Sei Ieki, Takashi Ino, Yoshihisa Iwashita, Shogo Kajiwara, Yu Kato, Masaaki Kitaguchi, et al. Improvement of systematic uncertainties for the neutron lifetime experiment at J-PARC. Proceedings of Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2021 - PoS(PANIC2021). 2022
MISC (34):
平山朋子, LIN Sun, 關義親, 篠原武尚, 日野正裕, 中村吏一朗. Direct Observation of Lubricant Behaviour in Machine Elements by Means of Neutron Phase Imaging. KURNS-EKR (Web). 2022. 15
茂木駿紀, 長谷川拓郎, 広田克也, 市川豪, 家城斉, 猪野隆, 岩下芳久, 梶原昇吾, 加藤悠, 北口雅暁, et al. Neutron lifetime measurement at J-PARC/BL05: Present state of the neutron lifetime analysis. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
松崎俊, 長谷川拓郎, 広田克也, 市川豪, 家城斉, 猪野隆, 岩下芳久, 梶原昇吾, 加藤悠, 北口雅暁, et al. Neutron lifetime measurement at J-PARC/BL05: Classification of background events caused by neutron gas scattering. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
市川豪, 長谷川拓郎, 広田克也, 猪野隆, 岩下芳久, 北口雅暁, 古賀淳, 松崎俊, 三島賢二, 茂木駿紀, et al. Neutron lifetime measurement at J-PARC/BL05: Installation of a large Spin Flip Chopper. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
森川滉己, 長谷川拓郎, 広田克也, 市川豪, 家城斉, 猪野隆, 岩下芳久, 梶原昇吾, 加藤悠, 北口雅暁, et al. Neutron lifetime measurement at J-PARC/BL05: Upgrade of simulation. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 1
Lectures and oral presentations (56):
(京都大学複合原子力科学研究所第58回学術講演会 2023)
(中性子位相イメージング専門研究会 2023)
(第23回東北大学多元物質科学研究所研究発表会 2023)
(第57回京都大学複合原子力科学研究所学術講演会 2023)
(第37回物理教育研究大会 2021)
Education (2):
- 2004 - 2010 Kyoto University
- 2000 - 2004 Kyoto University Faculty of Science Faculty of Science
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本物理学会
, 日本中性子科学会
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