J-GLOBAL ID:202210009556289339
Research Resource code:NBDC02622
Update date:May. 11, 2022
ABCD database: AntiBodies Chemically Defined database
ABCD database: AntiBodies Chemically Defined database
Owning Organization:
Resource classification:
Tag (subject) (1):
Tag (data type) (4):
, Interaction/Pathway
, Method
, Repository
Species (1):
All (NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1)
The ABCD database is a repository of sequenced antibodies, integrating curated information about the antibody and its antigen with cross-links to standardized databases of chemical and protein entities. This database provides a comprehensive list of sequenced antibodies with their known targets, such as a common name, a list of synonyms, information about the target and the epitope, reference of at least one publication, applications, cross-references to original databases, etc. It also assigns a unique ID number for each antibody, that can be used in academic publications to increase reproducibility of experiments. This database allows to search using the name of an antibody, however, it recommends using the name of a target, UniProtKB ID, ChEBI ID or the name of an species.
Record maintainer:
Integbio Database Catalog
Record license:
Creative Commons CC0 license
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