小木曽 洋介, 髙木 祐介. 30分間の階段往復歩行前後における全身疲労感指数、上肢の疲労感指数、下肢の疲労感指数、筋硬度の変化及び相互の関連性について-Changes in whole body fatigue, upper limb fatigue, lower limb fatigue and muscle hardness before and after 30-minute up and down stair walking and their interrelations. ウォーキング研究 = Walking research. 2024. 27. 71-75
髙木 祐介, 小木曽 洋介. 気管支喘息の現病歴を有する成人男性の冬季の交野山系登山時における肺機能の変化に関する事例検討-A case study of the changes of pulmonary function in one individual with a current medical history of bronchial asthma during the hiking of Mt. Kono. ウォーキング研究 = Walking research. 2024. 27. 65-69
OGISO, Yosuke, KITA, Tetsuya, UNO, Tadashi, TAKAGI, Yusuke. The actual state of knowledge and awareness of Fugu poison in the students at a registered dietitian training university in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Bulletin of University of East Asia. 2023. 36. 21-29