J-GLOBAL ID:202301010903589985   Update date: Oct. 04, 2024

Nishizawa Kenji

Nishizawa Kenji
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Bio-, chemical, and soft-matter physics ,  Biophysics
Papers (10):
  • Katsuhiro Umeda, Kenji Nishizawa, Wataru Nagao, Shono Inokuchi, Yujiro Sugino, Hiroyuki Ebata, Daisuke Mizuno. Activity-dependent glassy cell mechanics II: Non-thermal fluctuations under metabolic activity. Biophysical Journal. 2023
  • Kenji Nishizawa, Natsuki Honda, Shono Inokuchi, Hiroyuki Ebata, Takayuki Ariga, Daisuke Mizuno. Measuring fluctuating dynamics of sparsely crosslinked actin gels with dual-feedback nonlinear microrheology. Physical Review E. 2023. 108. 3
  • Hiroyuki Ebata, Katsuhiro Umeda, Kenji Nishizawa, Wataru Nagao, Shono Inokuchi, Yujiro Sugino, Takafumi Miyamoto, Daisuke Mizuno. Activity-dependent glassy cell mechanics I: Mechanical properties measured with active microrheology. Biophysical Journal. 2023. 122. 10. 1781-1793
  • Kenji Nishizawa, Shao-Zhen Lin, Claire Chardès, Jean-François Rupprecht, Pierre-François Lenne. Two-point optical manipulation reveals mechanosensitive remodeling of cell-cell contacts in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2023. 120. 13. e2212389120
  • Kenji Nishizawa, Claire Chardès, Raphaël Clément, Pierre-François Lenne. Two-Point Optical Manipulation of Cell Junctions in the Early Epithelium of the Drosophila Embryo. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2023. 2600. 107-118
Education (1):
  • 2015 - 2018 九州大学大学院 理学府 物理学専攻 博士課程
Professional career (1):
  • Phd (Kyushu University)
Work history (3):
  • 2023/05 - 2024/09 東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻
  • 2019/03 - 2023/03 CNRS/ The Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM)
  • 2018/04 - 2019/02 九州大学大学院理学府物理学専攻
Committee career (1):
  • 2024/05 - 現在 日本機械学会 バイオエンジニアリング(BE)部門次世代委員会・委員
Awards (1):
  • 2018/03 - 九州大学学生表彰
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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