J-GLOBAL ID:202301013355550047
Update date: Aug. 16, 2024
Nomura Shota
ノムラ ショウタ | Nomura Shota
Affiliation and department:
Research field (4):
, Genetics
, Evolutionary biology
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (11):
, 進化生態
, 性選択
, 雌雄共進化
, 性的形質
, RNA-seq
, RNAi
, 集団ゲノミクス
, 交雑帯
, 交尾器
, オサムシ
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2024 - 2027 オオオサムシ亜属の交雑帯における集団構造の違いに対する生殖隔離の役割の解明
- 2022 - 2025 Investigation of responsible genetic basis for male and female coevolution of exaggerated genitalia
- 2014 - 2018 Ecogenomics studies for the genetic basis of adaptive speciation
Papers (5):
Yumeki Oto, Mari Kuroki, Midori Iida, Ryosuke Ito, Shota Nomura, Katsutoshi Watanabe. A key evolutionary step determining osmoregulatory ability for freshwater colonisation in early life stage of fish. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2023
Shota Nomura, Teiji Sota. Evolutionary changes in gene expression profiles associated with the coevolution of male and female genital parts among closely related ground beetle species. BMC Genomics. 2022. 23. 1
Yumeki Oto, Mari Kuroki, Midori Iida, Ryosuke Ito, Shota Nomura, Katsutoshi Watanabe. A key evolution in gene expression plasticity for freshwater colonisation in early life stage of fish. 2022
Shota Nomura, Tomochika Fujisawa, Teiji Sota. Role of Sex-Concordant Gene Expression in the Coevolution of Exaggerated Male and Female Genitalia in a Beetle Group. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2021. 38. 9. 3593-3605
Shota Nomura, Tomochika Fujisawa, Teiji Sota. Gene expression during genital morphogenesis in the ground beetle Carabus maiyasanus. Insect Science. 2020. 27. 5. 975-986
MISC (2):
野村翔太. 幅広いアプローチから様々な動物種の進化・生態を探る. 日本進化学会ニュース. 2020. 21. 1. 35-37
Saki Shiomoto, Shota Nomura, Kenta Kuwabara, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Yoshio Suzuki, Takanori Ikenaga, Masataka Nikaido, Kohei Hatta. C4-P-07Analysis of fine three-dimensional structure of pharyngeal teeth of saury (Cololabis saira: ‘SAMMA’), flying fish (Cypselurus pinnatibarbatus japonicus: ‘TOBIUO'), medaka (Oryzias latipes), zebrafish (Danio rerio), and other teleost species by X-ray micro-computed tomography. Microscopy. 2015. 64. suppl 1. i137.1-i137
Education (3):
- 2018 - 2022 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Biological Sciences
- 2016 - 2018 Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Biological Sciences
- 2012 - 2016 University of Hyogo School of Science Department of Life Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Science (Kyoto University)
Work history (1):
- 2022/04 - 現在 National Institute for Basic Biology
Awards (1):
- 2021/03 - 令和2年度特に優れた研究業績による奨学金返還免除(全額免除) 日本学生支援機構
Association Membership(s) (2):
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