J-GLOBAL ID:202303002843618764
Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (2):
新山 雄一
, 来間 清志
Gazette classification:特許公報
Application number (International application number):2019145840
Publication number (International publication number):2021023243
Patent number:7378712
Application date: Aug. 07, 2019
Publication date: Feb. 22, 2021
Claim (excerpt):
【請求項1】 2種類以上の細菌と、ウイルス又は原虫とを含む病原体の感染を遺伝子検査する工程を含み、前記2種類以上の細菌の遺伝子検査において、少なくとも2種類の細菌間の共通塩基配列に対するプライマーを用いて細菌の種の特定は行わずに細菌の存否の検出を行う、異種移植用材料の病原体感染を検査する方法。
IPC (6):
C12Q 1/686 ( 201 8.01)
, C12Q 1/6893 ( 201 8.01)
, C12Q 1/689 ( 201 8.01)
, C12Q 1/70 ( 200 6.01)
, C12M 1/00 ( 200 6.01)
, C12N 15/09 ( 200 6.01)
FI (5):
C12Q 1/686 ZNA Z
, C12Q 1/689 Z
, C12Q 1/70
, C12M 1/00 A
, C12N 15/09 Z
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (2)
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number:特願2018-181256
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number:特願2009-245976
Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (3)
“Establishment of Multiplex Solid-Phase Strip PCR Test for Detectionof 24 Ocular Infectious Disease
“Microbiological safety of the first clinical pig isletxenotransplantation trial in New Zealand”
“Computational tradeoffs in multiplex PCR assay design for SNPgenotyping”
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