J-GLOBAL ID:202401004937774916
Update date: Jan. 14, 2025
DAI Xuanzhong
ダイ シュアンジョン | DAI Xuanzhong
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Program Specific Researcher
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
Representation theory, Number theory, Mathematical physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2023 - 2025 Chiral de Rham complex and automorphic forms
Papers (6):
Arakawa, Tomoyuki, Dai, Xuanzhong, Fasquel, Justine, Li, Bohan, Moreau, Anne. On Some Simple Orbifold Affine VOAs at Non-admissible Level Arising from Rank One 4D SCFTs. Commun.Math.Phys. 2025. 406. 2. 30-30
Dai, Xuanzhong, Song, Bailin. Simple vertex algebras arising from congruence subgroups. Adv.Math. 2024. 456. 109900-109900
Dai, Xuanzhong. Chiral differential operators on the upper half plane and modular forms. Adv.Math. 2021. 390. 107957-107957
Dai, Xuanzhong. Chiral de Rham Complex on the Upper Half Plane and Modular Forms. Int.Math.Res.Not. 2021. 2022. 24. 19258-19299
Dai, Xuanzhong, Zhu, Yongchang. A Construction of Representations of Loop Group and Affine Lie Algebra of $\frak {sl}_{n}. Algebr.Represent.Theory. 2021. 25. 3. 649-668
Lectures and oral presentations (19):
On a series of simple affine VOAs at non-admissible level arising from rank one 4D SCFTs
(Vertex operator algebras and related topics 2024)
On recent progress of chiral de Rham complex and modular forms II
On recent progress of chiral de Rham complex and modular forms
Chiral differential operators over G/U and associated variety
(Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups 2024)
A quantization of modular forms
(Workshop on quantum algebras and representation 2024)
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