J-GLOBAL ID:202401015662855262
Update date: May. 13, 2024
Kawai Mika
カワイ ミカ | Kawai Mika
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Doctor's Course
Research field (1):
Papers (1):
Kawai Mika, Kai Reimi, Kitamura Yoshikuni, Yasuba Ken-ichiro, Yoshida Yuichi, Goto Tanjuro. BOLTING AND FLOWERING OF Delphinium grandiflorum var. sinensis NOT AFFECTED BY SOWING TIME BUT ROOT ZONE VOLUME. The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. 2022
MISC (4):
河合実花, 北村嘉邦, 安場健一郎, 吉田裕一, 後藤丹十郎. デルフィニウムエラータム系品種の育苗中の抽苔および切り花品種に及ぼすセルサイズの影響. 園芸学会中四国支部令和5年度支部大会. 2023
Kawai Mika, Kai Reimi, Kitamura Yoshikuni, Yasuba Ken-ichiro, Yoshida Yuichi, Goto Tanjuro. BOLTING AND FLOWERING OF Delphinium grandiflorum var. sinensis NOT AFFECTED BY SOWING TIME BUT ROOT ZONE VOLUME. The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. 2022
河合実花, 北村嘉邦, 安場健一郎, 吉田裕一, 後藤丹十郎. Effect of big size transplant by intermittent cool temperature storage of cut flower quality of Delphinium grandiflorum var: eratum. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2021. 20. 2
後藤丹十郎, 河合実花, 安場健一郎, 吉田裕一. Effect of raising duration and root restriction on bolting and cut flowwer quality of Delphinium grandiflorum var. eratam. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2020. 19. 1
Education (1):
- 2024 - 現在 Okayama University The Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology
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