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About publication of the abstracts and indexes of articles

In J-GLOBAL article information, you can access the abstracts and indexes (thesaurus term and semi-thesaurus term) under the following conditions.

Available articles with abstracts and indexes

You can access the abstracts and indexes of the articles (with some exception) registered on J-GLOBAL after April 2008.

Conditions of publication of newly added articles

The abstracts and indexes of newly added articles will be published after six months after the bibliographic information (title, author(s) etc.) are registered on J-GLOBAL.
If you would like to use advanced search and analytical functions without concern about these conditions, please consider sign up for JDreamⅢ (paid service).

About access restriction

Access the abstracts and indexes of Medicine literatures are restricted to protect sensitive information because they may contain sensitive information.
If you would like to access the abstracts and indexes, please sign up for MyJ-GLOBAL and change the setting “abstract display of Medicine literature.”

Along with the adoption of the access restriction, if you do not log in to MyJ-GLOBAL, Medicine literatures are excluded from article search.
To search the articles from the abstracts or indexes, do not forget to log in to MyJ-GLOBAL.

About publication of the abstracts and indexes of articles

In J-GLOBAL article information, you can access the abstracts and indexes (thesaurus term and semi-thesaurus term) under the following conditions.

Available articles with abstracts and indexes

You can access the abstracts and indexes of the articles (with some exception) registered on J-GLOBAL after April 2008.

Conditions of publication of newly added articles

The abstracts and indexes of newly added articles will be published after six months after the bibliographic information (title, author(s) etc.) are registered on J-GLOBAL.
If you would like to use advanced search and analytical functions without concern about these conditions, please consider sign up for JDreamⅢ (paid service).

About access restriction

Access the abstracts and indexes of Medicine literatures are restricted to protect sensitive information because they may contain sensitive information.
If you would like to access the abstracts and indexes, please sign up for MyJ-GLOBAL and change the setting “abstract display of Medicine literature.”

Along with the adoption of the access restriction, if you do not log in to MyJ-GLOBAL, Medicine literatures are excluded from article search.
To search the articles from the abstracts or indexes, do not forget to log in to MyJ-GLOBAL.