Flow Reactor Measurement of PAHs and PM formed from Low Temperature Benzene Pyrolysis with and without Oxygen. 2018
Characterization of PM produced by mesh-quencing of benzene pool flame. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Applications. 2018. 2. 2. 1-11
Y. Kobayashi, S. Tanaka, M. Arai. PAHs Behavior and Graphitization Degree of Soot in a Hexane Diffusion Flame. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology applications. 2018. 2. 1
Physics behind Diesel Spray and Its Combustion
講演・口頭発表等 (37件):
SAE 研究からみた自動車排出微粒子の低減動向
(JSAE シンポジウム 2015)
Cavitation and Flash Boiling in a Fuel Injector: A Review
(The 6th International Symposium on Clean and High-Efficiency Combustion in Engines (ISCE 2015) 2015)