Kenji Katsuragi, Reiko Nakamura, Hiroo Kumagai. Fredrick Soddy, Chemist, Economist, and Ecologist: His Concern about the Substainable Development and Monetary Reform. 富山大学紀要「富大経済論集」. 2006. 51. 3. 121-134
Ground-State Properties and Nuclear Effective Interaction in Unitary-Model-Operator Approach (共著)
Series on Advances in Quantun Many-Body Theory Vol. 1(World Scientific) 1998
Ground-State Properties and Nuclear Effective Interaction in Unitary-Model-Operator Approach "jointly worked"
Series on Advances in Quantun Many-Body Theory Vol. 1(World Scientific) 1998
講演・口頭発表等 (3件):
A New Iterative Equation for Effective Interaction
(10th Spring Seminar on Nuclear Structure "New Quests in Nuclear Structure" 2010)