2008 - 2009 (1) Language processing technology integrated with linguistic knowledge. (1.1) Computational phonetics. (1.2) Educational technology incorporating language processing. (2) Language processing technology applied to nonnative language learning. (2.1) Pee・・・
2008 - 2009 (1) Language processing technology integrated with linguistic knowledge. (1.1) Computational phonetics. (1.2) Educational technology incorporating language processing. (2) Language processing technology applied to nonnative language learning. (2.1) Pee・・・
2005 - 2006 国際会議のプレゼン資料から朗読台本用の自然言語文を自動生成するシステム
2004 - 2005 国立大学外国語サイバー・ユニバーシティ用コンテンツ開発研究
論文 (13件):
林 主恵, 河合 剛. Identifying and activating receptive vocabulary by an online vocabulary survey and an online writing task. CALL communities and culture - short papers from EUROCALL 2016. 2016. 271-276
片桐 徳昭, 河合 剛. Designing XML schema for classroom discourse visual representation through XSLT. Journal of the Hokkaido University of Education. 2016. 66. 2. 1-16
片桐 徳昭, 河合 剛. Tabulating transcripts and coding on COLT part B scheme to quantify classroom interaction analysis categories. HELES Journal. 2014. 14. 14. 23-41
Description of an online learning course for English language at Hokkaido University
(Eurocall 2017)
学歴 (3件):
- 1999 University of Tokyo Department of Engineering Information and Communication Engineering
- 1986 International Christian University Department of Education Educational Technology
- 1984 University of Tokyo Department of Linguistics
学位 (1件):
博士(工学) (東京大学)
経歴 (8件):
2022/03 - 現在 東京外国語大学 オンライン教育支援室 教授
2003/04 - 2020/03 北海道大学 外国語教育センター 教授
2007 - 2008 Universiteit Antwerpen (University of Antwerp) Instituut voor Onderwijs en Informatiewetenschappen Visiting Professor
2000 - 2003 Oregon Health & Science University Center for Spoken Language Understanding Research Scientist
1999 - 2000 University of California Santa Cruz Department of Psychology Researcher
1999/04 - 1999/09 東京大学 工学部 電気工学科 助手
1988 - 1996 SRI International Speech Technology Research Laboratory Research Linguist
1986 - 1988 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Research Assistant
受賞 (3件):
2014/06 - World Conference on Educational Media & Technology (EdMedia 2014) 最優秀論文賞 Case study of an online English language course that emphasizes self-assessment of speaking and writing