Chihiro Tanikawa, Tzee Jen Tan, Kenji Takada. Facial soft-tissue shape changes after fixed edgewise treatment with premolar extraction in individual artificial-intelligence-classified facial profile patterns. BMC oral health. 2024. 24. 1. 740-740
Chihiro Tanikawa, Haruna Yamanami, Megumi Nagashima, Seiko Matsumoto. Association between the three-dimensional facial shape and its color in a boundary group of young to middle-aged Asian women. Heliyon. 2024
Koji Fujijyama, Yohei Kera, Shimizu Yujin, Chihiro Tanikawa, Takashi Yamashiro, Xiaohan Guo, Toru Deguchi. Regarding recommendations for temporomandibular disorder and orthodontics. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS. 2023. 163. 1
Towako Tanimura, Chihiro Tanikawa, Shoko Miyauchi, Kenichi Morooka, Hajime Nagaoka, Takashi Yamashiro. AI system that estimates GOSLON Yardstick index in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). 14th international congress of cleft lip, palate & related craniofacial anomalies. 2022
Chihiro Tanikawa, Ayaka Oka, Haruka Ohara, Takashi Yamashiro. Association between stigma experience and self-perception related to facial difference in Japanese youths with cleft lip and/or palate. 14th international congress of cleft lip, palate & related craniofacial anomalies. 2022
Parameterization of the curve for dental arc
Osaka University Press 2013
Patterns of lip vermilions and associations with underlying dentoskeletal forms in female adults
Osaka University Press 2013
Contemporary orthodontics (Translation of Contemporary orthodontics: W. R. Proffit, H. W. Fields, Jr., Mosby, Inc., 2000)
Quintessence Pub. Co. 2004
The strategic construction of dental research for the 21st century-creation of frontier biodentistryategic construction of dental research for the 21st century-creation of frontier biodentistry
Osaka University Press 2004
講演・口頭発表等 (33件):
顔の形から何がわかるか? ~三次元解析の可能性
AI を用いた矯正⻭科治療の今後
(invisaDr. 第二回特別講演会 デジタル歯列矯正治療を考える 2022)
Facial morphospace: a clinical quantitative analysis of the three-dimensional face in patients with cleft lip and palate
(2021年度東京医科歯科大学顎顔面補綴学分野大学院講義 2021)
2019/06 - IADR 2019 IADR INNOVATINO AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ORTHODONTICS RESEARCH Development of artificial intelligence systems to predict facial morphology after orthodontic treatment
2018/08 - The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal Front Cover Efficacy of Maxillary Anterior Segmental Distraction Osteogenesis in Patients With Cleft Lip and Palate
2015/11 - Japanese Orthodontic Society Award of excellence Effects of maxillary anterior segmental distraction osteogenesis in patients with a cleft lip and palate
2007/09 - Knowledge-dependent pattern classification of human chin profiles JOS Best Academic Presentation Award Knowledge-dependent pattern classification of human chin profiles
2006/01 - International Association for Dental Research (IADR) IADR Hatton Travel Award Automatic recognition of anatomic features on cephalograms
所属学会 (11件):
, American Association of Orthodontists
, World Federation of Orthodontists
, 日本歯科医学教育学会
, 日本顎口腔機能学会
, 日本顔学会
, 日本顎変形症学会
, 日本口蓋裂学会
, 国際歯科研究学会日本部会
, 近畿東海矯正歯科学会
, 日本矯正歯科学会