研究キーワード (6件):
, 神経科学一般
, 環境生理学(含体力医学・栄養生理学)
, Neuro science in general
, and nutritional physiology)
, Environmental physiology (including physical fitness and sports medicine
競争的資金等の研究課題 (9件):
1998 - 2010 褥瘡と自律神経失調との関連性に関する研究
1998 - 2010 Study on the Correlation between Bedsores and Autonomic Imbalance
1994 - 2010 緑茶成分テアニンが脳波に及ぼす影響
1994 - 2010 Influence of Theanine Administration on EEG
1992 - 2010 脳波と情報処理に関する研究
1992 - 2010 Study on Electroencephalography and Information Processing
Surface EMG led by source derivation method reflect sensitively muscle fatigue.
(The 85th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan 2008)
Decline of Attention by Mental Fatigue and Physical Fatigue : Detection by Event-related Potentials.
(The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan 2006)
Relationship between Mental Fatigue and Strength Physical Exercise
(The 81st Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan 2004)